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“大胆而实际的方针”   自从纽约州参议员希拉里?克林顿宣布参加总统竞选后,2008美国总统竞选随即升温。人们都在猜想这位前第一夫人会不会成为美国第一位女总统。当选与否,希拉里都将是今年的话题人物。在接受记者查尔斯?吉布森采访时,希拉里表达了她的决心,向人们讲述了她坚信自己有资格管理这个国家的因由――      Charles Gibson: Her well-known name was added to the list of White House hopefuls[有希望被选上的人] this weekend. New York Senator[参议员] Hillary Clinton, her   announcement immediately shifted the race for president   into higher gear. And Senator Clinton joins us now from Washington. Good to have you with us, Senator.   Hillary Clinton: Thank you.      Gibson: I’d like to get your mission statement, if I could, in 20 or 30 seconds as to why you think you should be the person elected president.   Clinton: Well, Charlie, I think that my experience and my understanding of the problems facing our country equip[使具备] me to be the best person to take over in January 2009, when we will be facing a lot of problems at home and abroad, and frankly, inheriting[继承] many of the problems that have been made worse by this   administration[政府任期].      Gibson: A lot of people think you have been running for president for years, but you said you were undecided. We took you at your word[对某人的话信以为真]. Can you tell me was there a moment that tipped the scales[扭转局面],   and you said, “OK, this is it. I’m gonna run and this is why”?   Clinton: You know, after my election in New York, where I was really determined to do the best job I could as the senator from New York, I then started to think about what people had been talking to me about, literally[照字面意义],   for years, and it was a hard decision. A…lot of people had me already running, but that wasn’t the way that I felt about it. And the more I thought about it, and looked at the challenges that we face as a country, I believe that I can build on all of the positive activities that we saw in the Clinton administration but go beyond that. I want to be an instrument[被外力所利用的人或物] of bold but practical   solutions, whether it’s health care, energy independence, finally dealing with


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