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2014全??国高考汇编??阅读之社会??生活类 启迪精品英??语工作室出??品[中~@%国*教^育出版网] (2014安??徽卷)] C You are the colle??ctor in the galle??ry of your life. You colle??ct. You might?? not mean to but you do. One out of three?? peopl??e colle??cts tangi??ble(有形的)thing??s such as cats, photo??s and noisy?? toys.[ww~w.zz#st^ep.@com] There?? are among?? some 40 colle??ction??s that are being?? shown?? at “The Museu??m Of”—the first?? of sever??al new museu??ms which??, over the next two years??, will exhib??it the objec??ts accum??ulate??d by unkno??wn colle??ctors??. In doing?? so, they will promo??te a popul??ar cultu??re of museu??ms, not what museu??ms norma??lly repre??sent. Some of the colle??ction??s are fairl??y commo??n—recor??ds, model?? house??s. Other??s are stran??gely beaut??iful—branc??hes that have falle??n from tree, for examp??le. But they all revea??l (显露)a lot of thing??s: ask someo??ne what they colle??ct and their?? answe??rs will tell you who they are. Other?? on the way inclu??de “The museu??m of Colle??ctors??” and “The Museu??m of Me.”These?? new ones, it is hoped??, will build?? on the succe??ss of “The Museu??m Of.” The think??ers behin??d the proje??ct want to explo??re why peopl??e colle??ct, and what it means?? to do so. They hope that visit??ors who may not have consi??dered?? thems??elves?? colle??ctors?? will begin?? to see they, too, colle??ct.[来源:*中国教育出??^版网@#] Some colle??ctors?? say they start??ed or stopp??ed makin??g colle??ction??s at impor??tant point??: the begin??ning or end of adole??scenc??e—“it’s a growi??ng-up thing??; you stop when you grow up,”says one. Other?? painf??ul times?? are menti??oned, such as the end of a relat??ionsh??ip. For time and life can seem so uncon??troll??able that a stead??y seria??l(顺序排列的??)arran??gemen??t is comfo??rting??. 64. How will the new museu??ms promo??te a popul??ar cultu??re of museu??ms?[来~#源:中国教育出^版%网] A. By colle??cting?? more tangi??ble thing??s.[中国^教育出#版~网@] B. By showi??ng what ordin


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