恢复期肺栓塞患者运动心肺功能特点及临床应用价值-characteristics and clinical application value of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in convalescent pulmonary embolism patients.docx
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恢复期肺栓塞患者运动心肺功能特点及临床应用价值-characteristics and clinical application value of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in convalescent pulmonary embolism patients
英文摘要恢复期肺栓塞患者的运动心肺功能特点及临床应用价值cardiopulmonary function in exercise and clinical application value of patients with pulmonary thromboembolism at the initial stage of recoveryAbstract[Objective] In this study, we studyed the exercise tolerance , ventilatory efficiency and oxygen uptake efficiency of patients with pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE) by performing the cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET),and observed the changes and the response characteristics of CPET during exercise.[Methods] Fifty PTE patients and fifty healthy individuals underwent Symptom-limited CPET , PFT and ABG.[Results] (1)In compared with the controls, there were significant (P0.001)。reduction for the PTE patients in peakLoad、peak oxygen uptake( peakVO2)、OUEP、。。。。。。OUES and OUE@AT, buttheVE/VCO2@AT、VE/VCO2-slope and LowestVE/VCO2。were increased significantly.(2)CPET revealed that oxygen uptake(VO2), ventilation/CO2。。production(VE/VCO2), end-tidal carbon dioxide tension(PETCO2)and oxygen uptake/。。ventilation (VO2 /VE) at the rest, warmup,AT and peak exercise indicated statisticallysignificant differences between the two groups. Significant differences in the change。characteristics of those parameters exist between PTE and the controls. The VO2 with the。controls gradually increased from rest to peak exercise, but the incremental rate of the V。。O2 of PTE was significantly decreased. VE/VCO2 value got progressively lower fornormal subjects with increasing activity levelsand began stabilizing after AT to peak。。exercise. In contrast, VE /VCO2 value in PTE patients did not decrease from rest to peak exercise. In the control group, PETCO2 value distinctively increased with increasing levelof activity until AT, but it changed insignificantly from AT to peak exercise恢复期肺栓塞患者的运动心肺功能特点及临床应用价值英文摘要。。(P0.05).However, PETCO2 values in PTE group decreased during exercise. VO2 /VEprogressively increased to the highest level from rest toAT in control group. Thereafter,。。。。the
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