集群网络结构对企业创新绩效的影响研究——以台州汽摩配产业集群为例-research on the influence of cluster network structure on enterprise innovation performance - taking taizhou auto parts industry cluster as an example.docx
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集群网络结构对企业创新绩效的影响研究——以台州汽摩配产业集群为例-research on the influence of cluster network structure on enterprise innovation performance - taking taizhou auto parts industry cluster as an example
浙tt工业大学硕士学位论文!川川II /I/ /IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 州集群网络结构对企业创新绩效的影晌研究YT851403一一以台州汽摩配产业集群为例摘要当今世界,经济格局被集群主导,区域之间的竞争已经演变为产 业集群之间的竞争。创新是产业集群持续发展的关键和核心,因而集 群创新问题是学术界关注的重点之一。技术创新历经各种发展阶段, 目前已进入到网络式创新发展阶段。把网络式创新应用到集群创新问 题上,也就有了本文的主题一一集群网络结构对企业创新绩效的影响 研究。本文的研究内容有以下几点:首先,在文献综述部分,总结了 产业集群的网络结构理论、集群网络的创新机制以及网络结构视角的 产业集群创新现状;其次,从不同层面分析了集群网络结构对企业创 新绩效的影响:然后,以台州汽摩配产业集群为例子做实证分析,先 总结台州汽摩配产业集群的网络结构,以及影响集群企业创新绩效的 作用机制,然后通过调查问卷的方式,对产业集群网络结构与群内企 业创新绩效的关系进行了实证研究:最后,通过前面的研究,针对如 何提高台州汽摩配产业集群的创新能力和竞争力,提出了相应的政策 性建议。关键词:产业集群,网络结构,创新绩效,社会网络分析STUDY ON HOW NETWORK STRUCTURE OF CLUSTER AFFECTS ENTERPRISES INNOVATION PERFORMANCE………TAIZHOU AUTOMOBILE AND MOTORCYCLECLUSTER AS AN 配XAMPLEABSTRACTToday,economic s仿ucture is dominated by clusters in 由e world; and the competition. between regions has evolved into 由eωmpetition b时ween clusters.Innovation is the key ωthe sustainable development of clusters,and 由山也e clust町innovation is one of academic focus. Technological innovation 由rough various stages of development, has entered the development stage of networking innovation. The networking innovation is applied to cluster innovation issues,and then we have thetheme of this article - Cluster Network Structure on Enterprises Innovation Performance Stu部 ηús 阴阳r includes the fol1owing content: First, in 由e literature review section, we summarize the theory of 由e network struc阳re of industrial clust,俐, innovation mechanisms of clust町削work and the current si阳ation ofresearch based on network struc阳re. Second,仕om different levels of network structure we study how network structure of cluster affects ente叩巾旷 innovationperformance. The吨 we take Taizhou automobile and motorcycle cluster as an example for the empirical analysis,Fir风 we introduce Ta胁。u cluster with thenetwork stru时ure and innovation mechanisms and 由rough questionnaires wa:弘 we study the relations between network struc阳re of Taizhou cIuster and innovation performance; Finall弘 according to previous researc
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