计及复合负荷模型的静态电压稳定分析-static voltage stability analysis considering composite load model.docx
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计及复合负荷模型的静态电压稳定分析-static voltage stability analysis considering composite load model
RESEARCHON STATIC VOLTAGE STABILITY CONSIDERI1叫G COMPOSITE LOAD MODELABSTRACTWith 由e power syste口15 in China have entered an era of large power grid, extra high voltage ,large unit size,large power plant and long distance power transmission. The systematic structure and operation mode has been increasinglycomplex. It makes the power system stability more striking,the regulation of thevoltage more difficult.Voltage stability is the essential requirement of the secure and stable operation of power system. Therefore,how to prevent the occuηence of voltage collapse accident,improve system security,as all cuηent grid is oneimportant issue of concern.This thesis focuses on static voltage stabili可 analysis of power system considering composite load roodel. The algorithm of continuous power flow improved and composite load model of system voltage stability influences 町esystemically analyzed and studied in theory. The main content as follows:First of all,the paper proposes an improved continuous power flow ,using the geometric param eters of the full use of the increase in one-dimensionalconvergence correction equation has changed direction avoid singular of Jacobin matrix to improve the existing tide convergence. Through the analysis of theexample ,confirmed the effectiveness of the algorithm.IIISecondly,based on composite load model (ZLP load and induction motorload combìnatìon) and their ìmpact on voltage stabì lity carried out in-depth study. ln the construction of composite load model based on the analysis of thestatic load of the composite load characteristics ,and appJy it directly to powersystem PV curve calculations. By analyzing the composite load models on system voltage stability,and research the relationship between the induction motor load stability and power system voltage stabili句 relatìon ship.In addition,the impact of load models on V-Q curves and reactive power margin are studied in this thesis. Apply a variable reactive power at the criticalbus. Th
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