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Unit 7 How much are these pants? Section A 学习目标: 掌握有关衣服名称和颜色的单词; 学会如何询问价格及其回答; 复习名词单复数的使用,掌握指示代词的用法。 重点词汇 shoes ,shorts , sweater, T-shirt, clothes, price , pants , black , green , white ,yellow, anybody , yourself 重点句型: 1. How much is the red sweater? It’s ten dollars. 2. How much are these black socks? They are eight yuan. 3. What color do you want? Blue. 4. Can I help you ? Yes, please. I want a pair of socks. 重点语法: 1. 使用how much 引导的问句及其回答。 2. 复习名词单复数的使用和指示代词this, that, these , those的用法。 课前测试:(通过自己的预习,你能完成下面的题目吗?) 一、 (A)英汉互译。 1. 一件红色的毛衣 2. (价钱)多少 3. 两条黑色的短裤 4. 十二美元 5. 给你 6. 别客气 (B) 写出下列词的反义词或对应词。 1. small 2. long 3. short 4. old 5. black 6. this 7. easy 8. here 9. those 10. answer 二、通过预习,根据所给出的中文,你能完成下列句子吗? 1. 这些东西多少钱? are these things? 2. 我能帮助你吗? I you? 3. 那些短裤要30美元。 are . 4. (多少) books do you have? 5. I want the (黑色的袜子) and (白色的衬衣)。 三、你能区分How , How old , How many , How much 它们的用法吗? 1. do you go to school ? By bus. 2. pencils do you want? I want 3 pencils. 3. are you today? I’m fine, thanks. 4. is the green T-shirt ? It’s seven dollars. 5. orange do you want? A bottle. 6. is your father? He is forty . 四、通过自己的预习,你还存在哪些问题? 新课学习: 一、 Please write down all these words


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