Topic 6 第六讲:The new generation of Library OPACs 新一....pptVIP

Topic 6 第六讲:The new generation of Library OPACs 新一....ppt

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Topic 6 第六讲:The new generation of Library OPACs 新一....ppt

The best Library OPAC? 最佳图书馆联机目录? * fgfh Common tools for access to local collections 存取本地馆藏的工具 Library OPAC (ILS module) 图书馆联机目录 (综合性情报系统模块) Links to aggregators, publishers 信息搜集者及出版社的连结 Cross linking via OpenURL 透过OpenURL互相连结 Journal finding aids (Often managed by link resolver) 检索期刊工具 (往往由连结解译器处理) Metasearch engines 整合式搜寻引擎 All loosely coupled 松散式结合 * fgfh Metasearch 整合式搜寻 Distributed query model inherently problematic 分布式询问模式性其缺陷 Not Immediate 非实时 Relevancy ranking extremely difficult 相关度排序非常困难 Lack of deep results 不能深层搜索 Interim solution 暂时性解决方法 * fgfh Change underway 进行中的转变 Widespread dissatisfaction with most of the current OPACs. Many efforts toward next-generation catalogs and interfaces. 大部人对现在的联机目录感到不满, 正努力设计新一代目录及界面 Movement among libraries to break out of the current mold of library catalogs and offer new interfaces better suited to the expectations of library users. 图书馆希望改变现有的图书馆目录及界面, 以迎合读者的需求 Decoupling of the front-end interface from the back-end library automation system. 把前端界面及后端的图书馆自动化系统分割开24 * fgfh Working toward next generation library interfaces邁向新一代圖書館目錄界面 Redefinition of the library catalog 重新界定图书馆目录 More comprehensive information discovery environments 更全面的信息探索环境 Better information delivery tools 更佳的信息传递工具 More powerful search capabilities 更强大的搜索能力 More elegant presentation 更优雅的演示 * fgfh Comprehensive Search Service 全面搜索服务 More like OAI 更像开放档案协议 Problems of scale diminished 规模缩减的问题 Problems of cooperation persist 保持密切合作的问题 * fgfh Web 2.0 a good start 网络 2.0为好开始 A more social and collaborative approach 更广泛及协作的方法 Web Tools and technology that foster collaboration 能促进合作的网络工具及技术 Blogs, wiki, tagging, social bookmarking, user rating, user reviews 网摘 / 网志, 维基百科, 标签, 小区书签, 读者评级, 读者评论 * fgfh Web 2.0 supporting technologies 网络 2.0 支持技术 Web services 网络服务 XML APIs AJAX (asynchronous JavaScript and XML) Microformats 微格式 OpenSearch vs SRU/SRW * fgfh Replacement OPACs 图书馆目录的代替品 Endeca Guided Navigation AquaBrowser Library


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