2011年考研形势与政策试题(2011 postgraduate entrance examination Situation and policy questions).doc

2011年考研形势与政策试题(2011 postgraduate entrance examination Situation and policy questions).doc

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2011年考研形势与政策试题(2011 postgraduate entrance examination Situation and policy questions).doc

2011年考研形势与政策试题(2011 postgraduate entrance examination Situation and policy questions) Questions and answers 2011 PubMed political situation and policy The fourth summit of the twenty leaders of the 1. countries was held in Toronto, Canada in June 27, 2010. Chinese President Hu Jintao attended the summit and delivered an important speech entitled work together to create a better future, will push the world economy as soon as possible to enter a new stage of strong, sustainable and balanced growth of the important recommendations, the main contents are A. promotes the twenty nation group to change from the effective mechanism of the international financial crisis to the main platform of promoting international economic cooperation B. accelerate the establishment of a new international financial order that is fair, equitable, inclusive and orderly C. further firm confidence and strengthen cooperation D. to promote the construction of an open and free global trade system (ABD) 2. twenty fourth G20 summit held in June 27, 2010 in Toronto Canada Chinese, President Hu Jintao in the important speech work together to create a better future in talking about how to achieve strong, sustainable and balanced growth framework , stressed the need to firmly grasp the organic unity of the strong, sustainable and balanced growth of three. A. to ensure strong growth is the primary task of the development of the world economy B. sustainable growth is a long-term goal, C. through the transformation of the mode of economic development is the objective requirement to achieve balanced growth D. maintains the continuity and stability of macroeconomic policy as a strong, sustainable and balanced growth point (ABC) In April 13th 3.2010, President Hu delivered a speech entitled to address the nuclear security challenge and promote peace and development speech at the nuclear security summit, an important proposition put forward to strengthen nuclear safety, mainly A. earnestly fulfill the nation



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