《水形物语》(The Shape of Water)中英文双语字幕文本文件 看字幕学英语.docx

《水形物语》(The Shape of Water)中英文双语字幕文本文件 看字幕学英语.docx

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《水形物语》(The Shape of Water)中英文双语字幕文本文件 看字幕学英语.docx

如果由我来讲述这个故事If I spoke about it...真要我开口的话If I did...我会跟你们说些什么呢what would I tell you?我不禁想I wonder.我会告诉你们故事发生的时间吗Would I tell you about the time?故事似乎发生在很久很久以前 It happened a long time ago, it seems...在一位公正的王子治下的最后时光in the last days of a fair princes reign.或者我会告诉你们故事发生的地点吗Or would I tell you about the place?靠着海岸的一座小城A small city near the coast...远离尘嚣but far from everything else.再或者 Or, I dont know.我会从她开始讲起吗Would I tell you about her?那位静默无声的公主The princess without voice.或许我应该直截了当地警告你们Or perhaps I would just warn you这些事实所通往的真相about the truth of these facts...这个有关爱与失去的故事and the tale of love and loss...以及那头and the monster试图摧毁这一切的怪物 who tried to destroy it all.Hedak大人My Lord Hedak.听起来你深受困扰 跟我说说吧So, you are troubled. Tell me.我Ive...我犯了罪 我亵渎了上帝I have sinned. Ive offended the god.我深陷于罪恶 Hedak大人I am deep in sin, my Lord Hedak.这让我来判断吧Let me judge of that.我质疑过献祭仪式的神圣Ive doubted the ceremony of the sacrifice.我不想上楼I dont want to go up there.怎么了 每个人都得上楼啊 Lloyd小姐Why, everybodys got to go upstairs, Miss Lloyd,要睡觉就得上去if they wants to go to bed.是警报声把你吵醒了吗 之前着火了The sirens wake you up? There was a fire.在巧克力工厂那里The chocolate factory.你闻到了吗Do you smell that?天哪Oh, my!烤可可味Toasted cocoa.不幸与愉快 总是形影相随Tragedy and delight, hand in hand.要吃点什么吗Something to eat?我的好孩子Oh, my dear child.要是没有你来照顾我 我一定会日渐消瘦的I would waste away if you werent here looking after me.我饿得不能再饿了I am the proverbial starving...瞧瞧这个Watch this.是Bojangles 他在跳楼梯舞Its Bojangles, the stair dance.这可太难了 Cagney也跳这个Oh, thats so hard. Cagney did it.风格不同 但都很出色Different, but beautiful.跳得真不错Its beautiful.- 我也想跳这个 - 没问题- I wanna do that, too. - All right!- 准备好了吗 - 好了- Are you ready? - Yup.开始吧Come on.哇哦 你学得可真快Say, you catch on quick.仔细看我 这是最后一步Look out now. Heres your last one!ElisaElisa!下次你再来交房租的时候Next time you come to bring the rent...我希望你能留下来看看这部关于圣经的电影 好吗I want you to stay and see the Bible movie, huh!我这 我有两张免费的票I have... I have two free tickets here.还有 把你的邻居Giles带来 他人不错You bring your neighbor Giles. Hes a good boy.圣经电影还有喜剧片Bible movie and comedy!


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