001-d-江关博物馆看板翻译 (终审稿).docVIP

001-d-江关博物馆看板翻译 (终审稿).doc

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001-d-江关博物馆看板翻译 (终审稿)

展标:江汉朝宗——武汉城市现代化历程 Great Rivers, Great Changes----A Historical Exhibition of Wuhan Urban Modernization 前 言 Preface 晚清中国,积贫积弱,列强入侵,国门洞开,中国逐渐沦为半殖民地半封建社会,民族危机日益严重。自1861年汉口开埠之后,外国列强在武汉设领事、建租界、兴洋行、办工厂,曾经典型的内陆封建城镇,在西方列强的殖民掠夺和民族危机的刺激下,开始了“数千年来未有之变局”,逐步向现代城市转型。其进程起伏不定,探索之路艰难曲折。从晚清开明派在武汉实施洋务新政,到中国资产阶级发动辛亥首义,再到中国共产党领导的革命运动,武汉人民反对外来侵略、争取民族独立人民解放的斗争和推动城市社会发展的努力从未停止。1949年5月16日,在中国共产党的领导下,武汉迎来解放。从此人民当家作主,城市稳步发展。改革开放后,武汉城市面貌日新月异,经济实力不断增长,迈向了跨越式发展的现代化大道。 Poor and weak, yield to open up to the outside world upon the imperialist invasions, China, during the late Qing Dynasty, had gradually become a semi-colonial and a semi-feudal country with increasingly severe national crisis. Consulates, concessions, companies and factories were established one after another by foreign powers ever since the trading port opened in Hankou in 1861. Thus, Wuhan, the once typical feudal inland town, strapped by the colonization and numerous national crises, endured changes of one in thousands of years and gradually embarked on its path to modernization. Up and down, the unfolding exploration was of twists and turns. Yet the denizens in Wuhan never stopped fighting against the foreign invaders to win independence and liberation and to promote urban development, not even during the historical changes from the Westernization Movement by the liberal school, to the Revolution of 1911 by the national bourgeoisie, or the revolutions by the Chinese Communist Party. Under the leadership of the Party, Wuhan finally ushered in its liberation on May 16th, 1949. Since then on, the people became masters of the country and Wuhan developed with a steady pace. Moreover, since the reforms and opening up policy, the ever-changing outlook of Wuhan and its ever-increasing economic power have facilitated the city’s great leapfrog modernization development. 第一单元 汉口开埠——武汉城市现代化的开端 Unit One Port-opening of Hankou----A Prelude to a Modernized Wuhan 1858年,第二次鸦片战争中战败的清政府被迫与英、法等国签订丧权辱国的《天津条约》,汉口成为新增的对外开放通商口岸之一。1861



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