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Introduction to Lean Manufacturing (Kaizen) 精益生产 (改善)简介 The Toyota Production System丰田生产体系 A solution to the particular problems Toyota faced, developed through trial and error on the shopfloor, to address: 为二战后面临之特殊窘况觅寻出路,丰田在生产现场通过不断尝试发展而来的一套体系,以解决: A small market 市场甚小 for a large variety of vehicles 车型繁多 with little space, money, and capital 场地和资本馈乏 with a goal of productivity at the levels of Ford’s Mass Production of black Model Ts. 且要达到福特黑色T型车的大规模生产水平的高效率 Average Lean Results 精益生产平均收效 Set up time 换摸时间 -60% Lead time 交付周期 -50% Cycle time 循环时间 -20% Down time 停工时间 -50% Operator required 人员需求 -30% WIP DOH 在制品库存 -60% F.G. DOH 成品库存 -40% Distance traveled/part 零部件流转距离 -50% Floor space 场地面积 -30% Rework 返工 -70% 10 Rules for Kaizen Success 精益生产成功的十大准则 Keep a positive attitude and an open mind to change. 以积极的态度和开放的思想来进行改变 Change is good, more change is better / 变更是好事,多变更佳 Create a team environment (there is no “I” in team). 创建团队环境(在团队中不以我自居) One person, one vote, - no position, no rank. 每人都有表决权,不分职位、等级 There is no such thing as a dumb question. / 多多提问(不耻下问) Creativity before capital / 创造先于资本 Respect each others / 相互尊重 Plans are only good if they can be implemented. Plans succeed only if the gains are sustained / 只有可以实施的计划才是好计划,只有坚持执行计划才能成功 There is no substitute for hard work / 努力工作,艰苦拼搏 10 Just do it! / 及时行动 Lean Manufacturing 精益制造 A Time-Based Strategy 时间策略 Individual Efficiency vs. Total Efficiency 单个与整体效益 Leadtime 交付周期 Product Leadtime 产品交付周期 Traditional vs Lean Results 传统与精益之比较 Traditional vs Lean Results 传统与精益之比较 Maximize Value-Add 增值最佳化 IDENTIFYING WASTES 识别浪费 Typical Causes of Waste 浪费的典型原因 Organize by Type of Process 按工艺类型安排部局 Bottleneck operation 平颈口 No Back-up/Cross Training 无备份或交叉培训 Machines in value stream at different cycle times


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