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第八届全国中学英语教师教学技能大赛暨 2016 年全国高师学生英语教师职业技能竞赛(二级)初赛试题 参考答案 : (试题总分 150 分) 1 5 CAACB 6 10 BACAB 11. shown in class/watched in class 12. scientific theories/science 13. wormholes 14. general relativity 15. the Internet age 16 20 CCBCB 21 25 BABAD 26. through 27. first 28. different 29. matter 30. used 31. Interference 32. overgeneralises 33. permitted 34. made 35. getting 36. cut back on 37. standardized tests 38. fitness goals 39. team sports 40. overweight 41. It is significant because it expresses many themes of Chinese philosophy and political thinking, and has therefore been extremely influential both in classical and modern Chinese thought. 42. The goal can only be achieved by moral strength and virtues. 43. The “Three Items”includes “manifesting the illustrious virtue”, “loving the people”and “resting in the highest excellence”. 44. The central principle was conscientiousness and altruism. 45. In fact, a number of scholars believe that all education in mainland China is based on Confucianism to some degree. 46. 多数人身边都备有一些现金,因为钞票的购买力随时可以兑现,是应对不时之需的上策。 47. 理想的大学应该是一种教育胜地,在这里你可以努力发现自我,找到你所喜欢和想要的东西并了解自 己的优点。 48. We let the exciting new knowledge slip from us, a little further every day, and our confidence with it. 49. With the acceleration of urbanization, man s desire to return to nature grows with each passing day. 50. 略 51. A 52. C 53. C 54. A 55. B 56. B 57. A 58. B 59. B 60. C 61. A 62. C 63. B 64. C 65. A 66. C 67. A 68. C 69. C 70. A 71. 姨 72. 伊 73. 姨 74. 姨 75. 伊 76. 伊 77. 姨 78. 姨 79. 姨 80. 伊 81. 伊 82. 姨 83. 伊 84. 伊 85. 姨 86. 智育、体育、美育 略读( : ) 87. 寻读、


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