基于价值链视角的港口企业设备管理研究——以宁波港北仑第二集装箱码头公司为例-research on port enterprise equipment management from the perspective of value chain - taking ningbo port beilun no.2 container terminal company as an example.docx

基于价值链视角的港口企业设备管理研究——以宁波港北仑第二集装箱码头公司为例-research on port enterprise equipment management from the perspective of value chain - taking ningbo port beilun no.2 container terminal company as an example.docx

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基于价值链视角的港口企业设备管理研究——以宁波港北仑第二集装箱码头公司为例-research on port enterprise equipment management from the perspective of value chain - taking ningbo port beilun no.2 container terminal company as an example

基于价值链视角的港口企业设备管理研究——以宁波港北仑第二集装箱码头公司为例摘 要随着价值链管理理论在实际应用范围的不断扩大,该课题在国内外的研究方 向也逐渐从理论转向应用。本文希望通过研究港口企业的设备管理情况,将价值 链理论应用到企业设备管理的工作中去。论文以宁波港北仑第二集装箱码头分公司为例,解析其设备设施运营和改造 活动中的价值链构成情况,运用价值链学说的普遍原理和现代企业管理学的一般 原理对其进行研究。论文分析了港口设备管理的主要任务与相关领域价值链的关 系,提出了优化其价值链的办法;并且根据宁波港第二集装箱码头的实际情况, 提出港口企业管理制度和组织形式所需优化的方案。论文通过对港口设备管理价值链的研究,得出结论:港口企业协调好与价值 链上相关企业的关系,将对企业设备管理的主要任务起到重要作用;价值链竞争 力的提升,有助于各环节上的企业的共同发展;企业可以通过建立有效地沟通机 制来整合资源,优化价值链提高竞争优势;通过对价值链的影响力,港口企业可 以使价值链各环节向其希望的方向不断的优化。同时为了适应价值链优化的需 求,港口企业需要对管理制度和组织形式做相应的改进。价值链管理的研究可以 帮助企业重新审视自己,将企业管理的视角高度从企业内部提升到整条价值链 上,从而使港口企业更加适应现代物流行业发展的需要,提升企业的竞争能力。关键词:价值链管理、港口企业、设备管理IRESEARCH ON PORT ENTERPRICE EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT BASED ON THE VALUE CHAIN PERSPECTIVEAbstractWith the theory of value chain management is expanding in the applicatio ns, the research at home and abroad has gradually shifted from theory to appli cation direction. We hope that through this equipment management of port ent erprises, the value chain theory is applied to the enterprise equipment manage ment work.This paper takes the Beilun second container terminal branch of Ningbo po rt as an example, analyzes the value chain structure of the equipment and faci lities operation and transformation activities, and studies the general principles of the value chain theory and the general principles of the modern enterprise management. This paper analyses the relationship between the main tasks of p ort equipment management and the value chain of related fields, puts forward the method to optimize its value chain, and puts forward the optimized schem e of port enterprise management system and organization form according to th e actual situation of Ningbo port second container terminal.Through the research of the port equipment management value chain, this paper draws the conclusion: the relationship between the port enterprises and t he value chain, will play an important role in the enterprise equipment manage ment, and enhance the competitiveness of the value chain, which can help the e



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