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普通大学生最大摄氧量间接测试法比较研究   摘 要: 目的:对PWC?170?法、Astrand列线图法、Fox法、12 min跑法、丁振平法、陈文?法6种方法预测V#8226;O2max的有效性、准确性和相关性进行 比较性研究,选出较为准确、有效、又适合我国国情的普通高校男大学生V#8226;O2max的间接测试方法,为我国大学生体质研究中大规模测定V#8226;O 2max、评价有氧运动能力和心血管机能水平提供参考依据。方法:将32名男性大学生志愿者随机分为7组,采用交叉作业的测试方式,相互间隔时间为2 周,利用直接测定法和6种间接测定法测得V#8226;O2max。结果: Astrand 列线图法、Fox法和陈文?法的推测结果较实测值高,丁振平法和PWC?17 0?法 的推测结果较实测值低,差异都具有统计学意义,12 min跑法的推测结果虽然不同程度的高 于实测值,但差异无统计学意义(?P?0.05);12 min跑法测得V#8226;O 2max的相关系数最大,为0.89(?P?   关键词:V#8226;O2max;大学生;有氧能力;12 min跑   中图分类号:G804.2文献标识码:A文章编号 :1007-3612(2010)03-0058-04   The Comparative Research on the Indirect Evaluation of OrdinaryCollege Students’ Maximal Oxygen Intake   CHEN Rui, TANG Chang?fa   (Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410012,Hunan China)   Abstract: The intention of the research is to forecast the effectiveness, accura cy and correlation of V#8226;O2max with the methods of PWC?170 ?, As trand in line chart, Fox, 12 minutes running, Ding zhenping and Chen wenyu appro aches to select more accurate, effective and applicable indirect V#8226;O2max test methods for Chinese male college students, and provide a refer ence to evaluate aerobic exercise capacity and cardiovascular function and makemass research on mensurations ofphysical condition of college students.The me thod is to divide 32 volunteers of male college students into 7 groups randomly,adopt the cross test?operation and the mutua l interval in two weeks, utilize the direct method and six indirect methods to m easure V#8226;O2max. The result shows: 12 min running is an effec tive, accurate and sui table indirect method to speculate V#8226;O2max for Chinese colle ge students. I proposethat method of fox should be prudently applied to measure the V#8226;O2max of ordinary university students. And Astrand in line chart and Ding z henping approaches are not suitable to speculate V#8226;O2max forcollege students.   Key words: V#8226;O2max;college student;aerobic capacit y;12?minute running      最大摄氧量(Maximal oxygen intake,V#82


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