体内药物分析中色谱技术的应用[(Application of chromatographic technique in drug analysis in vivo [).doc

体内药物分析中色谱技术的应用[(Application of chromatographic technique in drug analysis in vivo [).doc

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体内药物分析中色谱技术的应用[(Application of chromatographic technique in drug analysis in vivo [).doc

体内药物分析中色谱技术的应用[1(Application of chromatographic technique in drug analysis in vivo [1) 217~ 218.. [19], Zhao Xiaoping, Li Hanzhi, Du Xiaoyi, et al. Cytochrome P4502C19 gene polymorphism Relationship with gastric cancer susceptibility. Chinese cancer clinic, 2000, 27 (7): 488~ 490.. [20] Wei Xing S Hi, Sh u..Qin g C hen.. Frequen cies of poor met abolizers Of cyt och ROM e P4502C19 in esophagus can cer, St omach cancer, Lung cancer and bladder cancer in Chin ese popul at ion.. World J Gast roent Erol, 2004, 10 (13): 1961~ 1963.. Application of chromatographic technique in drug analysis in vivo Wang Guangyin, sun Ling 1, Qian Chen 2 (Shengli Hospital of Shengli Oilfield, Shandong, Dongying; 257055; 1.. Shandong Institute of pharmaceutical industry, Shandong, Jinan 250100, China); 2.. School of pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Liaoning, Shenyang 110016) Abstract: in this paper, some new chromatographic technologies, such as supercritical fluid chromatography, capillary electrophoresis, chiral chromatography and gel, have been reviewed for in vivo drug analysis The application progress of beam chromatography, molecular chromatography, solid phase microextraction combined with chromatography, mass spectrometry, chromatography and chromatography were reviewed The prospect and development direction of technology in vivo drug analysis are to develop new detection technology and to realize its continuity, automation and combination by means of computer And intelligent. Keywords: in vivo drug analysis, biological samples, chromatography techniques, color methods, etc. CLC number: O657.. 7.. Document identification code: A.. Article number: 1672-7738 (2009) 06- 0355- 04 Applications of chromatographic technique in biopharmaceutical analysis WANG Guang..Yin, SUN Ling1, QIAN Chen2 (Shengli H ospital of Sheng Li Oil Field, Dong Ying 257055; 1.. Shandong Institute of Pharmaceut ical I ndustr y, Ji..Nan 250100; 2.. Sheny ang Pharmaceutical Univer sity, Shenyang 110016)


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