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坏死(necrosis) 坏疽(gangrene) 见于坏死性口炎 萎缩(atrophy) 萎缩性舌炎atrophic glossitis 干燥综合征sjogren syndrome 萎缩Atrophy: 为组织细胞体积变小,可呈现发红的病变,表面所覆盖的上皮变薄 皲裂(rhagades) 口角炎angular cheilitis 慢性唇炎chronic cheilitis 皲裂 皲裂 13 结节(nodule) 纤维瘤、痣 结节 肿瘤(tumour) 良性肿瘤(benign tumor):乳头状瘤 恶性肿瘤(malignant tumor):鳞癌 良性肿瘤 恶性肿瘤 15 鳞屑Scale: 已经或即将脱落的表皮角 质细胞形成的损害 16 痂皮Crust: 为纤维素性及炎性渗出物与上皮 表层粘连凝固而成. 四、病史、检查与诊断 病史采集要点 主诉(chief complaint) 现病史(history of present illness):诱因,发生\症状的特征\程度\性质\发作时间规律\ \促进或缓解因素\治疗(药物过敏,免疫抑制,避孕/激素)\变化 既往史(妊娠) (history of past illness;past history ) 家族史(family history) 个人习惯\特殊生活史 全身情况及系统性疾病(systemic disease) 口腔检查要点 部位site 颜色colour 质地texture 范围scope 视 \扪诊 \探\ 口腔检查: 全身检查:头面部、皮肤、指甲、毛发等 粘膜:唇红?唇?颊?舌、口底?腭?龈 粘膜外:牙、腺体导管口、关节、咽喉、淋巴 检查 examination: 辅助检查 auxiliary examination 血液、唾液、尿、肝、肾、免疫、遗传、微生物 病理检查Pathology:明确诊断和确定有无恶变 Special exams 本章小结 口腔粘膜病的定义和范围。 常见口腔粘膜病的病损特点。 口腔粘膜病的病历书写、检查项目和顺序。 circumscribed, elevated lesion that is 5 mm in diameter containing serous (clear) fluid. A vesicle/bulla is the technical term for blisters. Vesicle walls can be so thin that the contained serum, lymph, blood, or extracellular fluid is easily seen. Fluid can be accumulated within or below the epidermis. Bulla: A vesicle with a diameter 5 mm.? 1. (A) subcorneal vesicle - fluid just below stratum corneum, (B) spongiotic vesicles - intercellular edema. 2. Multiple translucent subcorneal vesicles, extremely fragile leading to crushing (arrows). The papule or plaque is usually rounded or flat-toped, and evanescent, disappearing within hours. The borders of a wheal are sharp, but not stable and can move from involved to adjacent uninvolved areas over hours. The epidermis is not affected. Wheals can be pale red or white (especially in the center) if edema is sufficient to compress superficial vessels. Wheals are a common allergic reaction. 2. A wheal may be large coalescing plaques as in this allergic reaction. 1. A pustule i


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