Low vision Aid:低视力辅助.ppt

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Low Vision Aids Who are all low vision patient Having vision less than 6/18 in better eye Having vision 6/6 but field of vision is less than 20 Having vision 6/6, field of vision is normal, but contrast sensitivity is poor Who need rehabilitation? Patient having some vision that patients need LV device Patient having less than 3/60, that patient wants mobility training Causes Macular degeneration Diabetic Retinopathy Glaucoma Corneal disease Neurological disorders Albinism RP Optic atrophy Achromatopsia Retinal problems Low vision Examination Case History RR Field Contrast sensitivity Glare Trial of low vision device Instruction Prescription Follow-up Treatment Optical aids Non-optical aids Electronic aids Magnification Relative size magnification Physically enlarging the size of an object of the retina Relative distance magnification Moving the object of regards towards the patient Angular magnification Ratio of the angle of substance of the image formed by an optical instrument compared to the actual object . E.g.. Telescope Optical Aids Telescope Spectacle Hand Magnifier Stand Magnifier Pocket Magnifier Prismosphere Distance vision Telescopes Galilean Keplerian Galilean + Objective, - eye piece Low power ( 2 x to 4x ) Lighter, less expensive Large exit pupil Keplarian + objective, + eye piece Prism to invert image Higher powers available Poor light gathering Types Hand held telescopes Clip on telescopes Spectacle mounted telescopes Hand held Portable Spotting intermediate distance Monocular Inexpensive Clip on 2.5 x to 4 x Distance and near Some hand held can be placed in flip-up clip Spectacle mounted 1.7x to 8x Special order Bioptic Full diameter Wide angle Expanded field when compared to others It is also available head down type Advantages of telescopes Distance, intermediate or near Variable working distance Monocular binocular Spectacle mounted and hand held Ideal range -2x to 4x Disadvantage in Telescope Disadvantages Restricted field Reduced light


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