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伊利乳业伊利乳业,新希望乳业,对比研究,管理运作,优化改进 Once in 2009, Chinese dairy industry experienced melamine events and financial crisis , in dodder along , It walked out from the double jeopardy. Now the dairy industry is in recovery period , For companies, this is a test, but also an opportunity. We prefer dairy industrys future development prospects. At the same time the companies need to recover quickly, and have to get more development. For example about the Erie,it is a representative in dairy industry, its success and technology are the most representative in this industry.But for example about the New Hope Dairy,it is a dazzling star,it developed rapidly in this test,Maybe it will get NO.1 in the dairy industry. This article based on?the Erie and New Hope Dairy contrast. Company?Background, Corporate Financial?Indicators, The main direction of?business, Chain?management?business, Brand marketing. From the above?comparison, it?can be found?several ways. The Erie and New Hope Dairy belong to the?dairy industry. But the difference is one that is more?successful?dairy?industry?leader,?and the other?is the rising star of?the?dairy?industry. Different?from the management?operations?can be seen. ?The New Hope Dairy has many?deficiencies. Of course,?successful companies?need to be more?successful, according to?the?corresponding?suggestions for improvement. Key words:The Erie ,New Hope Dairy, Contrast studies,Management and operation, Improved. 目 录 伊利乳业与新希望乳业对比管理研究 1 序言 3 一、 中国奶业总体判断 3 (一) 中国奶业的发展现状 3 (二) 当前的奶业形势 4 (三) 中国奶业的总体判断 4 二、 中国奶业发展趋势 5 (一) 奶业产业已基本形成,抵御风险的能力增强 5 (二) 消费潜力巨大,支撑奶业发展 5 (三) 中央和国务院领导重视,产业政策不断完善 6 (四) 转危为机,产销形势出现积极变化 6 三、 伊利乳业与新希望乳业 7 四、 企业情况对比 7 (一) 企业背景 7 (二) 经营范围 10 (三) 企业情况分析 10 五、 财务对比 11 (一) 财务指标对比 11 (二) 财务指标分析 12 六、 经营对比 12 (一) 主营业务以及构成对比 12 (二) 主营业务以及构成分析 14 七、 品牌营销管理对比 14 (一) 品牌打造对比 14 (二) 品牌营销分析 15 八、 产业链管理对比 16 (一) 产业链对比 16 (二) 产业链分析 17 九、 综述 17 结论 18 参考文献 18 致 谢 19 序言 2009年的中国乳业经历了三聚氰胺事件和金融危机的双从打击,在风险、迷茫、激荡、救赎、艰辛和振奋中艰难度过。所幸的是,在跌跌撞撞中,它还是从双重危机的阴霾中有惊无险地走


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