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摘 要 随着电力体制改革的深入和电力市场的形成,电力企业原有的信息化建设已经难以适应电力企业的发展规划,配备一套与自身发展定位相吻合的应用系统是每个企业迈入市场竞争前最迫切的事情。找准企业自身定位,并有针对性地提出相应信息化解决方案就是当前摆在电力企业面前的首要问题。目前很多迫切想提升自身竞争力的企业纷纷加大信息化建设投入力度,以提高企业的运营效率,降低生产成本,在越来越激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。然而,在没有找准自身定位的情况下,盲目投入,无疑将使信息化与企业需求脱钩,非但达不到提升企业自身竞争力的目的,而且还浪费人力、物力。只有在认真分析企业自身定位,提出一整套管理思路后,再进行整体规划,才能达到信息化的最终目的。 本文研究的目的是说明 EAM(Enterprise Asset Management)企业资产管理系统和ERP(Enterprise Resource Panning)企业资源计划系统的融合在发电企业信息化建设中是一个必然的趋势。 本文首先考察了国内外电力企业信息化建设的现状,然后简述了ERP与EAM的特点和两者的关系,通过参考大唐国际发电股份有限公司信息化建设的成功案例,得出发电企业信息化建设当下的选择是ERP与EAM的融合这个结论。在文章的最后,还对发电企业今后的信息化建设进行了探讨和展望。 关键词: ERP ,EAM ,发电企业,信息化建设 ABSTRACT With the deepening of the reform of electricity and the formation of the electricity market, electric power enterprises of the construction of information systems are often difficult to adapt has been business development planning power, equipped with a set of self-development and coincide with the application of positioning system is one step for each business competition in the market prior to the most pressing task. Identify their own position, and put forward solutions of the corresponding information is present before the power company before the first problem. At present, many are eager to enhance their own competitive information technology to increase their input in order to enhance the operational efficiency, lower production costs, in an increasingly fierce market competition. However, in the absence of accurately positioning their own circumstances, blind investment in information technology will no doubt be linked with business needs, not only fail to enhance the competitiveness of the enterprises own purpose, but also a waste of manpower and material resources. Only in a careful analysis of their own position, put forward a set of management ideas, and then to carry out overall planning, can we truly achieve the ultimate goal of information technology. The purpose of this paper is to EAM (Enterprise Asset Management) Enterprise Asset Management Systems and ERP


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