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prevention and treatment of serious complications during general anesthesia课件
HYPERTHERMIA AND HYPOTHERMIA 一、Heat Production and Elimination 1.Heat Production: 2.Heat Elimination: (1)Radiation: 60% (2)Conduction:3% (3)Cconvection:12% (4)Evaporation:25% HYPERTHERMIA AND HYPOTHERMIA 二、Normal Thermoregulation : 1. Thermoregulatory control system: (1)Cold-response thresholds:36.5℃,vasoconstriction (2)Warm-response thresholds:37℃,sweat 2. Thermoregulation during General Anesthesia: (1)warm-response thresholds:↑1℃ to 38℃ (2)cold-response thresholds:↓2℃ to 34.5℃ 3. Responses in infants and the elderly HYPOTHERMIA 三、Hypothermia:core temperature 36℃ 1.Evoked reasons: (1)Cold operating rooms (2)Indoor vent (3)Administration of cold intravenous fluids (4)Evaporation from surgical incisions (5)General anesthetic HYPOTHERMIA 2.Influence of hypothermia: (1)Drug metabolism is markedly ↓ ↓ duration of action of anesthetics ↑ (2)Coagulation is impaired (3)Blood vicidity↑ (4)Oxygen dissociation curve shift to left (5)Shivering → oxygen capacity↑↑ 3.Prevention HYPERTHERMIA 四、Hyperthermia: 1.Evoked reasons: (1)Room temperature 28℃ (2)无菌单覆盖过于严密 (3)开颅手术在下视丘附近操作 (4)large dosage of atropine (5)Response to transfusions (6)Ventilation:循环紧闭法 HYPERTHERMIA 2.Influence of Hyperthermia (1)Basal metabolic rate↑ (2)Metabolic acidosis、hyperkaliemia hyperglycosemia (3) 40℃→convulsion 3.Prevention Awarenss and Delay of Awake 一、Awarenss 1. Neurophysiology of Awarenss 2. Anaesthetic technique (1)N2O-O2- Muscle relaxant (2)Fentanyl - Diazepam (3)Thiopental or Thiopental - Ketamine Awarenss (4)N2O- Fentanyl (5)Etomidate - Fentanyl (6)Procaine combined anesthesia 3. Management: (1)Avoid light anaesthesia (2)Monitor brain stem auditory evoked potential(BSAEP) PRST记分系统 指标 体征 分值 收缩压(mmHg) 对照值 + 15 0