数字信号处理 杨炼 教学课件-Chapter7-2015.pptVIP

数字信号处理 杨炼 教学课件-Chapter7-2015.ppt

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7.2 Transfer Function Classification Based on Phase Characteristic 1、The phase delay will cause the change of signal waveform 时间 t Amp 原始信号 时间 t 幅度 相移90o 时间 t 幅度 相移 180o * 2、The nonlinearity of system phase delay will cause the signal distortion f1 f2 f 时延 f1 f2 f 时延 f1 f2 f ?(?) f1 f2 f ?(?) Time delay of signal is depended on system phase characteristic * 3、If we ignore the phase information, then 输入波形 DFT变换 忽略相位信息 IDFT变换 输出波形 * linear phase requirement: 4、The linear phase FIR filter design group delay * 7.2 Transfer Function Classification Based on Phase Characteristic Zero-Phase Transfer Function Linear-Phase Transfer Function Minimum-Phase and Maximum-Phase Transfer Functions * 7.2.1 Zero-Phase Transfer Function One way to avoid any phase distortions is to make the frequency response of the filter real and nonnegative,to design the filter with a zero phase characteristic. But for a causal digital filter it is impossible. * Zero-Phase Transfer Function Only for non-real-time processing of real-valued input signals of finite length, the zero phase condition can be met. Let H(z) be a real-coefficient rational z-transform with no poles on the unit cycle, then F(z)=H(z)H(z-1) has a zero phase on the unit cycle. * Zero-Phase Transfer Function Please look at book P362. x[n] v[n] u[n] w[n] H(z) H(z) u[n]=v[-n], y[n]=w[-n] The function filtfilt implements the above zero-phase filtering scheme. Please look at book P403—P7.25. * 7.2.2 Linear-Phase Transfer Function The phase distortion can be avoided by ensuring that the transfer function has a unity magnitude and a linear-phase characteristic, that is: H(ejω)=e-jωD How to perform the linear-phase filter? y[n]=x[n-D]?Y(ejω)= e-jωDX(ejω) ?H(ejω)= Y(ejω)/ X(ejω)= e-jωD * Linear-Phase Transfer Function Example - Determine the impulse response of an ideal lowpass filter with a linear phase response: Applying the frequency-shifting property of the DTFT to the impulse respons


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