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2018年北京市海淀区高三(上)期末英 语单选1He is going to pay a visit to????????????university which is located in????????????west of USA.A.an; 不填B.a; theC.a; 不填D.the; the2In addition to a healthy diet, you also need regular exercise????????????weight.A.losingB.having lostC.loseD.to lose3---I have an appointment with Jane.---Wait a moment. She????????????with her editor about her new book.A.is discussingB.will discussC.had discussedD.was discussing4????????????you are 18 years old, hopefully you can become more independent.A.WhetherB.UnlessC.In caseD.Now that5Hearing the news, I felt a great load????????????off my mind and everything got easier.A.having takenB.takenC.to be takenD.taking6She had a feeling that she already knew????????????this conversation was going to lead.A.whereB.whenC.whyD.how7---I guess Bob and Amy wont come to the party.---They just called saying that they????????????.A.had been held upB.were holding upC.have been held upD.would hold up8Chongyang Festival,????????????is also known as the Double Ninth Festival, falls on the ninth day of the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar.A.whenB.whichC.thatD.who9---Has the interviewee arrived?---No. He may have got lost. It????????????easy to find this place.A.isntB.wasntC.wont beD.hasnt been10???????????she got on the stage, I hadnt realized she had such a talent in dancing.A.SinceB.AsC.UntilD.Once11If the weather????????????better last weekend, we would have gone to the beach.A.wasB.has beenC.wereD.had been12The immersed tunnel of Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge is 6.7 kilometres long,????????????it the worlds longest and deepest, undersea tunnel.A.to makeB.makeC.makingD.having made13---How was the weather during your trip in England?---Strangely fine! It????????????much.A.doesnt rainB.didnt rainC.hasnt rainedD.hadnt rained14We have work to do, but if you need a rest, we????????????start tomorrow.A.mustB.canC.shouldD.need15If you intend to ask people to respect your authority, you need to lead????????????example.A.toB.fo


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