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乌鸦喝水2 摘 要 设计根据童话故事《乌鸦喝水》续编,原故事讲述的是乌鸦用小石头扔进装着半瓶水的瓶子,最终喝到了水,故事想告知我们遇到困难仔细观察、认真思考的道理。改编后的《乌鸦与井》讲述的是乌鸦在瓶子里装满石头后,水已经喝光了,于是继续飞走找水喝,在遇到一口井的时候,乌鸦看了看,认为自己有办法了,就是采取了上次喝水的方法,乌鸦就去找石头,结果把整口井给堵上满了,在井边找了半天也没找到一滴水。实际来说,乌鸦用石头把瓶子装满是符合的,但要把一口井装满是不现实的,用滑稽的行动来告诉我们,做事情要符合实际,脚踏实地,不可一意孤行,退一步有时候却是海阔天空。故事的结果是乌鸦没有看到一滴水后晕倒了,意在告诫我们在不符合实际做事的情况下,如果你一意孤行,那失败就是正常的结果。 关键词 乌鸦/瓶子/井 Crow drink water Two ABSTRACT Design according to the fairy tale crow others drink water, the original story about the crow with small stone into containing half a bottle of water bottle, eventually drink the water, the story to tell us meet difficulties observe carefully thinking about the truth of the adaptation of the crow and well after about the crow in the bottle filled with stones, water is drunk, he continued to fly away for water to drink, met in a well, the crow took a look, thinks he has the way, the last time is to take the method of water, the crow went to stone, the whole Wells up to full, in the well and to seek along while also didnt find a drop of water for actual, the crow stone filled the bottle with is accord with, but to put a well full of is not realistic, use funny action to tell us, do things to accord with the actual, his feet on the ground, not a solitary meaning. KEY WORDS crow,bottle,well 目 录 中文摘要………………………………………………………………………………………Ⅰ 英文摘要………………………………………………………………………………………Ⅱ 1 绪论 …………………………………………………………………………………………1 1.1 课题简介 …………………………………………………………………………1 1.1 1 动画 …………………………………………………………………………1 1.1.2 角色的动作调节………………………………………………………………2 1.2 选题背景 …………………………………………………………………………3 1.21 选题准备………………………………………………………………………3 2 课题调研…………………………………………………………………………………4 2.1 角色动做设计 …………………………………………………………………4 2.2 动作制作 ………………………………………………………………………5 3 创意概念及创意思想 ……………………………………………………………9 3.1 创意概念 ………………………………………………………………………9 3.1 创意思想 ……………………………………………………………………10 4 创作展开过程 ………………………………………………………………………12 5 创作成果 ……………………………………………………………………………10 6 结束语 ………………………………………………………………………………1


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