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外文资料Toward the Ethical Motivation of Learning Swanson, Richard L; Source: Education Year: 1995 Vol. Fall 1995 Nos Ethics and Motivation From an ethical standpoint, positive rewards are too manipulative and punishment is too coercive. In fact, neither punishment, nor positive rewards have any real ethical justification in the classroom. at is not to say they should never be used. They can be a very practical tool for short term change. However, they are counterproductive to long term intrinsic motivation and they both, ultimately, are based on coercion, either direct or indirect. Students understand, at a basic level, the nature of the coercion and in case, reward or punishment, do they internalize the behavior as their own. The coercion causes the student to attribute his or her behavior to outside factors. They see themselves as doing things for the reward or to avoid the punishment. The behavior cant be seen as driven from within. The student cannot attribute the behavior to his or her own choice but rather to factors outside themselves. Both punishment and positive rewards are external pressures to conform. As such, they are not models for motivation that are consistent with developing intrinsic motivation. Ethically, the professional educators task is to promote inquiry and the love of learning. That is the heart of the job. Hence, expedient tools that run counter to this goal ethically arent the preferred tools. The Alternative What is needed instead is an ethical classroom, a place where the responsibilities are placed on the student, where the options are clear, and the consequences are based on the behavior or lack thereof of the student, a place where teachers model learning and make demands. When all things are considered, the teacher is trying to encourage students to make conscious, reasoned decisions based on an understanding of the situation and its consequences. Reality therapy, real life consequences are consistent with an ethical classroom, not the


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