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slam slam: v. shut noisily and with great force He slammed the door so hard that the glass crashed. The door suddenly slammed. “Just a minute,” the American says, turning to his hostess. “Mrs. Wynnes, how did you know that cobra was in the room?” Why does the American ask this question? Detailed Reading Para 12 Para 13 A faint smile lights up the woman’s face as she replies: “Because it was crawling across my foot.” faint 1. adj. weak or slight 微弱的,不明显的;晕倒的,头晕的 e.g. a faint hope feel faint He became aware of the soft, faint sounds of water dripping. 他开始觉察到水滴下来的轻柔、微弱的声音 2. v. lose consciousness unexpectedly e.g. She suddenly fell forward on to the table and fainted. 她突然向前栽倒在桌上,晕了过去。 Light up 1. give light to 火光照亮了整个房间,也照亮了他的脸庞。 The fire lit up the whole room, and his cheek too. 2. (cause to) become bright with pleasure or excitement Her face lighted / lit up when she heard the good news. 1. 激烈争论 2. 出人意料的方式 3. 举行盛大晚宴 4. 追捕 / 查到 5. 坐下 6. 来访的美国博物学家 7. 宽敞的餐厅 8. 激烈的讨论 a heated discussion in an unexpected way give a large dinner party track down be seated a visiting American naturalist a spacious dining room a spirited discussion 9. 一看见 10. 真正重要的是 at the sight of what really counts Useful Expressions 11. 参加争论 12. 两眼盯着正前方 13. 突然醒悟 14. 最有可能的地方 15. 使…受惊吓而去做… 16. 像石雕一样端坐着 join in an argument stare straight ahead come to with a start the likeliest place frighten …into doing … sit like a stone image 17. 走向 18. 镇定自若的典范 19. 且慢 20. 脸上露出一丝淡淡的微笑 make for an example of perfect self-control just a minute a faint smile lights up one’s face Useful Expressions After Reading_8_1 Proverbs and Quotations 1. Courage and resolution are the spirit and soul of virtue. 勇敢和坚定是美德的精神和灵魂。 2. Cowards die many times before their deaths. 懦夫在未死之前,已身历多次死亡。 3. Brave actions never want a trumpet. 勇敢的行为不需要吹号。 4. There is no medicine f


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