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* * * * * A fuzzy set is a set with fuzzy boundary. Suppose that A is the set of tall people. In a conventional set, or crisp set, an element is either belong to not belong to a set; there nothing in between. Therefore to define a crisp set A, we need to find a number, say, 5??, such that for a person taller than this number, he or she is in the set of tall people. For a fuzzy version of set A, we allow the degree of belonging to vary between 0 and 1. Therefore for a person with height 5??, we can say that he or she is tall to the degree of 0.5. And for a 6-foot-high person, he or she is tall to the degree of .9. So everything is a matter of degree in fuzzy sets. If we plot the degree of belonging w.r.t. heights, the curve is called a membership function. Because of its smooth transition, a fuzzy set is a better representation of our mental model of all? Moreover, if a fuzzy set has a step-function-like membership function, it reduces to the common crisp set. * 翻到332页 * 离散值的模糊集 模糊集C = “理想的居住城市” X = {旧金山, 波士顿,洛杉矶} (离散且无序) C = {(旧金山, 0.9), (波士顿, 0.8), (洛杉矶, 0.6)} 模糊集A = “理想的孩子数目” X = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} (离散论域) A = {(0,0.1), (1,0.3), (2,0.7), (3,1), (4,0.6), (5,0.2), (6,0.1)} 隶属函数 隶属函数的特性: 面向测度的 非概率函数 MFs Heights 5’10’’ .5 .8 .1 “tall” in Asia “tall” in the US “tall” in NBA 隶属函数定义 论域U上的一个模糊集合A通过一个隶属函数刻画: μA (x) : U?[0, 1],x?U 对任意x?U,都指定一个数μA(x)?[0, 1]与之对应,称为x对A的隶属度,μA 称为A的隶属函数。 若μA (x)=0,则x完全不属于A;若μA (x) =1,则x完全属于A;若0μA (x)1,则x属于A的隶属度为μA (x)。 当μA的值域为{0, 1}时,μA退化为经典集合的特征函数,而A退化为经典集合。 常用的隶属函数举例(1) 三角隶属函数 常用的隶属函数举例(2) 梯形隶属函数 常用的隶属函数举例(2) ) ( 2 )/σ) (( = - - e x c x 1/2 A m Gaussian(x,c, σ)= 高斯隶属函数 广义贝尔函数 隶属函数图形 disp_mf.m L-R隶属函数 Example: difflr.m c=65 a=60 b=10 c=25 a=10 b=40 模糊集合的表示法 可以通过给出隶属函数的解析式来表示一个模糊集。“年老”O与“年轻”Y 的隶属函数如下: 模糊集合的表示法 当论域为有限集时,可以用序偶的形式或向量的形式表示模糊集。 可以采用序偶形式表示A,形如A={(a, 0.3), (b, 0.7), (c, 1), (d, 0), (e, 0.25)} ,还可以采用向量形式表示A,形如A=(0.3, 0.7, 1, 0, 0.25)。 扎德的表示形式为:A=0.3/a+0.7/b+1/c+0/d+0.25/e 核、支集、正规模糊集 Ker A={ u | u∈



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