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专业英语部分 Put the following paragraphs into Chinese: 1、 Case law is built up out of precedents, and a precedent is a previous decision of a court which may, in certain circumstances, be binding on another court in deciding a similar case. This practice of following previous decisions is derived from custom, but it is a practice which is generally observed. Even in early times the itinerant judges adopted the doctrine of stare decisis, and this doctrine has been developed in modern times so that it means that a precedent binds, and must be followed in similar cases, subject to the powers to distinguish cases in certain circumstances. 所谓判例法,是基于法院判决而形成的具有法律效力的判定,这种判定在某些情况下对以后的同类案件具有约束力,能够作为法院判案的法律依据。这种先例中的做法一般来源于习惯,同时也是通常情况下会采用的做法。即使在早期那些巡回法官也采用“遵循先例”的法律原则,如今,该法律原则也经过了一定的发展演变,即在某些情况下,经过权力机关对案件进行甄别后,经认定先例适合于现有案件,则先例具有约束力,必须适用先例。 2、 The literal rule. According to this rule, the working of the Act must be construed according to its literal and grammatical meaning whatever the result may be. The same word must normally be construed throughout the Act in the same sense, and in the case of old statutes regard must be had to its contemporary meaning if there has been a change with the passage of time. 2.字面规则。所谓字面规则是指在对法律条文进行解读时必须结合其字面含义和语法含义两方面。在同一法案中,同一个单词通篇的含义应是一致的;至于古法典中的词语,如果其语义随着时代变迁发生了变化,则应注意采用其对应的现代语义。 3、 In a very wide sense, the principle of legality – the “rule of law” – refers to and requires not only a body of legal precepts but also supporting institutions, procedures, and values. The “rule of law”, according to an American Bar Association. Committee Report (published by International Commission of Jurists 1956), includes: “1, That body of legal precepts governing, 2, those institutions vested with appropriate legal power, and 3, those legal procedures by which those precepts may be applied by those institutions – which together are designed to effect the protection of essential interests of individuals guaranteed by our society through limitations on the authority


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