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摘 要 随着物流实践的发展变化,其显著特征就是物流服务从个体物流阶段发展到了联盟物流阶段。从现实意义上看,战略联盟可以通过供应链的优化和企业间的合作明显地提高企业的绩效,而第三方物流可以使企业通过对物流业务的外包从而强化自身的核心业务,增强企业的竞争力。 在我国目前的市场环境下,第三方物流企业发展程度参差不齐,各有长短,总体水平不高。为了获得更多的竞争优势,第三方物流企业会在一定时期内与客户企业结成战略联盟,在更大的程度上共享物流资源与客户资源,达到比单独从事物流活动更好的效果。 目前我国物流企业的规模、网络以及服务水平都有很大的差距,建立物流企业战略联盟,走规模化、集约化发展的道路是我国物流企业发展的最佳选择。然而,现有物流服务还不能满足客户的紧迫需求,同时在合作关系上还普遍存在着一些问题,这成为我国物流企业发展的一个瓶颈。这个问题的解决依赖于第三方物流企业与客户企业双方在物流观念上的转变和合作方式的创新,需要我们从更深层次上研究、探索第三方物流企业与客户企业构建战略联盟的动机、基本要素、模式、构建框架等问题。 本文以我国的第三方物流企业为对象,以其与客户企业建立的战略联盟作为主要研究内容。首先分析了第三方物流企业构建战略联盟本文力求锁定第三方物流企业为目标,尽力分析其在构建战略联盟时的各个环节和因素,以对之有更为全面的分析和研究。ABSTRACT With the development of logistics practice, the mode of logistics service has changed from individual to alliance. In the realistic meaning, strategic alliance can improve the enterprise’s performance obviously through the optimization of supply and cooperation of enterprises, and third party logistics can strengthen the key business and competitiveness themselves through wrapping up to logistics outside. Under the circumstances of present market, the TPL in our country develops uneven and remains in the medium level as a whole. To gain the competitive advantage, the TPL form the alliance to offer logistics service to a customer. In this manner, the TPL share logistics resources together in greater degree, achieve both high flexibility and improved cost; finally arrive the maximum of alliance benefit. At the present, the development of TPL enterprises in our country is still at the primary phase. The scale, network and service quality of our TPL enterprises is left far behind the foreign TPL enterprises. To found strategic alliance is the best choice for our TPL enterprises. However, the existing logistics service can’t satisfy the customer’s urgent requirement. Meanwhile there are several general problems in the cooperation relationship with TPL enterprises and its customer enterprise. All of these hinder the moving the TPL in our country. To solve this problem should depend on the change o


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