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清末民初蔡元培对西方道德教育理论传播   [摘 要] 清末民初,蔡元培在投身新式教育、从事革命活动以及留学德国期间,积极译介和传播进化论伦理观、互助论伦理观、包尔生的调和论伦理学、康德的理性主义伦理学等西方道德哲学。他用西方的价值观与科学方法发掘和探索中国古代伦理学遗产,取得了具有开创意义的成果。他在儒家伦理价值基础上,融合西方价值观和伦理学说,建构了以公民道德教育为核心的新教育体系,并把道德教育改革从思想理论层面推向了制度和实践层面。   [关键词] 蔡元培; 西方道德哲学; 修身; 公民道德教育; 包尔生; 康德; 克鲁泡特金   Cai Yuanpeis Dissemination of Western Moral Education Theories   during the Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China   Liu Zhengwei Xue Yuqin   (1.College of Education, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028, China;   2.College of Humanities, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 310026, China)   Abstract: Cai Yuanpeis translation, introduction and dissemination of western moral theories in China underwent three stages during the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China. The first stage was during the Reform Movement when he embraced the evolutionary ethics and utilitarian theory after reading classics of western learning translated by Yan Fu and the Wan Kwoh Kung Pao founded by missionaries. The second stage lasted from 1901 to 1906, when Cai disseminated Kropotkins anarchism and mutual aid ethics, immersing himself into the new education reform and revolutionary activities. The third stage covered his stay in Germany from 1907 to the 1911 Revolution.He read extensively in western thoughts, culture and science, which made him discard the values advocated by anarchism. He also started to work on the translation and introduction of Paulsens A System of Ethics,and Kants Moral Rationalism. In 1910,he uncovered the heritages of ancient Chinese ethics, and, employing western values and scientific approaches, he wrote The History of Chinese Ethics. The book has groundbreaking significance in that it has not only provided a scientific classification of the developmental stages of Chinese ethics, and distinguished the history of ethics from ethics in terms of their research objectives and fundamentals, but also found universal values in ancient Chinese ethics and Chinese tradition that wo


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