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1. We surely desire that the tour leader___ us immediately of any change in the travel schedules. ?A. inform???? ?B. informs???? C. informed???? D. has informed 2. Look at the terrible trouble, I??__ your advice! ?? A. follow?? B. had followed???? C. would follow????D. have followed A B 3. I wish___go to the movie with you tonight, but I have to finish my homework then. ?? A. I can?????? B. I could???????? C. I will?????? D. I would 4.?____available, we would certainly have sent him to the meeting. ?? A. John was?? B. Wasn’t John???? C. Had John been?? D. John had been B C 5.I would have come sooner but I?__that you were waiting. ?A. haven’t known?? B. hadn’t known?? C. didn’t know?? D. have known 6. If you had told me in advance, I?___?him at the airport. ?A. would have met????B. would meet?????? C. had met???? D. met C A 7. Everybody has arrived. It’s time we?____the meeting. A. would start?????? B. had started???? C. shall start?? D. started 8.Tony does not dare to leave the house in case_____?. he will recognize B. he should be recognized C. he is recognized?????? D. he recognizes D B 9. Franklin looked as though he?___ill for a long time. ?? A. was?????? B. were?????? C. has been?????? D. had been 10. I’d rather you?__about it for the time being. ?A. don’t think?????? B. didn’t think ?? C. would not think???? D. had not thought D B 11. It is necessary that Mark?___ in time to attend the meeting. A. come???B. came???C. comes??D. will come 12. Tom is working hard for fear that he____. ??A. fell behind????????? ?B. may fall behind?? C. should fall behind???? D. would fall behind A C



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