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摘 要 本说明书所设计的关节型机械手应用圆柱坐标式整体机构,能够实现夹取、安放、搬运棒形工件等功能。这个机械手主要由手爪、手腕、手臂、腰部和机座等部分组成,主要的活动功能体现在整个机械手的四个自由度以及手爪的闭合。其中四个自由度包括腰部的回转,腰部的升降,手臂的伸缩,手腕部的回转。这个机械手的整体规模一般,适用于小巧型工业零件的抓取和搬运,如电子加工业等。 该机械手主要就是靠液压缸的油压变化来实现4个自由度和手爪的夹取。在油路的布置和规划中应用了液压传动的原理以及机械制造的原理,使得油路能够更加的符合机械设计过程中的合理性和可靠性,安全性和经济性。充分利用好机构的相互配合关系,合理布置零件间的空间结构,使本设计更加的合理完善。 关键字:关节型机械手 圆柱坐标 液压缸 四自由度 Abstract This explanation is designed articulated robot application type cylindrical coordinates overall organization, to achieve gripping, put the rod work piece handling functions. The robot gripper mainly by the wrists, arms, waist and base and other components, the main event features embodied in the entire four degrees of freedom and the robot gripper closure. Four degrees of freedom, including rotation, waist lifting, telescopic arm, wrist rotation of the waist. The overall size of the robot is generally suitable for compact industrial parts crawl and handling, such as electronic processing industry. The robot is mainly by hydraulic cylinders to achieve change gripping four degrees of freedom and a gripper. In the oil circuit layout and planning of the application of the principles and the principles of hydraulic transmission machinery manufacturing, making the oil to be more in line with the mechanical design process rationality and reliability, safety and economy. Take full advantage of a good relationship with each other agencies, rational arrangement of space between the structural components, making the design more reasonable and perfect. Keywords: articulated manipulator cylindrical coordinates cylinder four degrees of freedom 目 录 摘 要 2 目 录 4 1.1 研究目的 5 1.2 研究意义 5 2 机械手的总体设计 7 2.1 关节型机械手的组成 7 2.1.1 执行机构 10 2.1.2 驱动机构 11 2.2 圆柱坐标式机械手运动简图 11 3 关节型机械手机械系统设计 12 3.1 手部 12 3.1.1 夹紧力的计算 12 3.1.2夹紧缸驱动力计算 13 3.2 腕部 14 3.2.1 腕部设计的基本要求 14 3.2.2 腕部回转力矩的计算 14 3.2.3 手腕回转缸的设计计算 16 3.3 臂部 17 3.3.1 手臂伸缩液压缸 17 3.3.2手臂回转液压缸 24 结 论 27 参考文献 28 致 谢 29 + 1 绪论机械手几十年发展起来一种高自动化生产设备。它的特点是可通过编程来各种预期的,在构造和性能上兼有人


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