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XXX大学 毕业设计(论文) 题目名称:汽车电子防盗报警系统软件设计 年 级:xxx级 ■本科 学生学号:xxx 学生姓名:xxx 指导教师:xxx 学生单位:信息工程学院 技术职称:讲师 学生专业:电子信息工程 教师单位:信息工程学院 XXX 大 学 教 务 处 汽车电子防盗报警系统软件设计 摘要:随着人民生活水平的不断提高,VHDL语言进行基于可编程逻辑器件的汽车电子防盗报警系统软件设计。系统划分为四个模块:启动/解除警戒模块、检测信号模块、光报警模块和声音报警及锁止模块,其中检测信号模块和光报警模块用有限状态机实现。本设计采用Xilinx ISE进行前端设计输入、后端布局布线及配置下载;用Modelsim软件对系统进行功能仿真;用Leonado Spectrum进行综合。系统实现了实时监测非法入侵,及时声光报警、启动/解除警戒和禁止非法使用发动机移动车辆等基本功能。 关键词:自顶向下;有限状态机;VHDL语言;汽车防盗 The Software Design of Guarding Against Theft and Alarm System about Automobile Abstract: With the incessant improvement of the standard of living, the popularization of the car brings much convenience in peoples life, but at the same time the use of the car also brings a big problem--guard against theft of cars. In this paper, it adopts top-down design method of EDA and carries through the design of guarding against theft and alarm system about automobile with VHDL language, which bases on Programmable Logic Device (PLD). The system is consist of four modules, including starting and closing alertness module, detecting signal module, alarm of sound and locked module, alarm of light module, detect signal module and alarm of light module were carried out by finite state machine. This design uses Xilinx ISE to carry through foreside inputting design, placing route and configuring download of back-end; Function simulating of the system was carried out by Modelsim; It uses Leonado Spectrum to carry through synthesis. The system carries out some basic functions, there are detecting inbreak in real time, alarming through sound and light in time, starting and closing alertness, forbidding moving car by engine and so on. Key words: top-down, finite state machine, VHDL language, guard against theft of automobile 目 录 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 课题背景、目的和意义 1 1.1.1 课题的背景 1 1.1.2 课题的目的和意义 4 1.2 论文的主要内容 4 1.3 本章小结 4 第2章 汽车防盗报警系统整体设计 5 2.1 系统分析与设计 5 2.1.1 设计要求 5 2.1.2 系统分析 5 2.2 系统工作原理及模块划分 6 2.3


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