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本科生毕业论文(设计) 题目: 学院 / 系 专 业 年 级 学 号 作者姓名 指导教师 年 月 日 摘 要 现代企业要发展,离不开高效的管理。物流信息化管理是现代港口企业的关键要素,需要优先培植和发展。港口物流管理的信息化在港口发展中具有举足轻重的地位,是国内、国际间竞争中所要考虑的主要问题。在信息时代,港口企业物流管理的信息化显得尤为重要。对于正在蓬勃发展中的营口港务集团有限公司来说,实现港口物流管理的信息化,将信息化的物流管理应用于营口港的管理实践中,将大力降低营口港的生产管理成本和物流成本,提高营口港物流管理水平乃至整个企业的经营管理水平,为港口的良性发展创造有利的必要条件。 本文的研究表明,港口物流管理信息化可以使管理者从繁杂的事务性工作中解脱出来,更多地思考企业战略性问题,提高企业的管理效率;信息化的物流管理系统应用不仅能够促进港口物流业务的快速发展,更重要的是在信息化过程中,将会推进企业管理模式和管理思维的改革和发展,同时促进企业生产和经营管理的完善和提高,为企业带来巨大的效益。 关键字:物流管理,信息系统,港口企业 Abstract The highly efficient management is a necessity for the development of modem enterprises. The informational management of logistics is a keep point for the modem port cities and has superiority in its development. The informational management of logistics plays an important role in the development of port cities and is a main issue for the competition both domestic and abroad. In this Information Age, The informational management of logistics has become more and more important. For the Yingkou Port Group Co., Ltd., the informational management of logistics and the practice of it will dramatically decrease the production management cost and logistics cost, improving the logistics management level of Yingkou Port and that of the whole enterprise so as to be a great help to further the development of the Yingkou Port. Researches of this papers how that the in formational management of logistics for the port cities can help managers exempt from the daily routines and thus have more time to think about the strategic problems of the enterprise and improve the management efficiency of the enterprise. Tire practice of the informational management system of logistics can not only advance the rapid development of the logistics business of the port, but also improve the reform and development of the enterprise management module and mana


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