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半影先生24小时营业书店   Requirements:   1. You must always be here from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. exactly. You must not be late. You cannot leave early.   2. You may not read, examine, inspect, or otherwise touch any of the books in this store—unless you are retrieving it for a customer.   3. You must keep precise records of all purchases. Time. Amount. The customer’s appearance. His state of mind. How he asks for the book. How he receives it. Does he appear to be injured. Is he wearing a sprig of rosemary on his hat. And so on.   工作须知:   一、从晚上10点到早上6点,你必须乖乖呆在这,不许迟到,不许早退。   二、你不能阅读、翻看、检查或以其他任何形式触碰店里的书——除非是替顾客放回去他们不买的书。   三、你必须准确地记录每一笔购买:时间、数量、顾客的长相、他的言谈举止、他询问书的方式、他接过书的方式、他看起来是不是受伤了、帽子上是否别了一小枝迷迭香。诸如此类。   None of this represented the glorious next stage of human evolution, but I was learning things. I was moving up. But then the economy took a dip, and it turns out that in a recession, people want good old-fashioned bubbly oblong bagels, not smooth alien-spaceship bagels, not even if they’re sprinkled with precision-milled rock salt.   这里没有一件事能领我走向人生下一个辉煌的舞台,但好歹我能学到知识,我在进步。可接着经济走下坡路。原来在经济萧条时期,人们想要那种复古的,看起来很欢腾的椭圆形百吉饼,而不是那种平滑的外星太空船造型的百吉饼,就算上面撒的是精细碾磨过的岩盐粉也没用。   The ex-Googlers were accustomed to success and they would not go quietly. They quickly rebranded to become the Old Jerusalem Bagel Company and abandoned the 1)algorithm entirely so the bagels started coming out blackened and irregular. They instructed me to make the website look old-timey, a task that burdened my soul and earned me zero 2)AIGA awards. The marketing budget 3)dwindled, then disappeared. There was less and less to do. I wasn’t learning anything and I wasn’t moving anywhere.   Finally, the ex-Googlers 4)threw in the towel and moved to Costa Rica. The ovens went cold and the website went dark. There was no money for 5)severance, but I got to keep my companyissued Mac-Book and the Twitter account.   So then, after less than a year of employment, I was jobless. It turned out it was more than just the food c


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