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GPS导航解算仿真系统 作者姓名: 专业班级:指导老师: 关键字:GPS导航解算 无摄运动 伪距 matlab仿真 bstract:The global positioning system is a global, versatility (land, sea and air and space),all-weather advantage of navigation and positioning, timing and speed system. It collects the contemporary most advanced technology, the communication technology and the space of microelectronics technology, with its positioning accuracy, all-weather information, users receive lighter, the price is cheap equipment advantages of men, and in many fields. GPS is the core of the user part of the GPS receiver. The main by the baseband signal processing and navigation solution of two parts. Navigation solution, including some of the major navigation data based on parameters in the ephemeris satellite positions in real-time computation of the visual. The navigation solution designed for matlab Simulation Simulation System, for less demanding, so do the idealized satellite motion processing, the impact of the satellite perturbation is negligible (so as not perturbed motion), the use of Kepler Law and the least squares method to calculate the orbital parameters, its law of motion for a brief analysis and simulation using matlab programming the pump power to achieve the satellite orbital plane, movement dynamics, the distribution of visible satellites and the use of visible satellites to calculate the location of the user. Key words:GPS avigation solution;Non-disturbed motion;Pseudorange;Matlab simulation 目录 第1章 前言 1 1.1 课题背景 1 1.2 本课题研究的意义和方法 2 1.3 GPS的发展简史及系统概述 3 第2章 GPS的坐标、时间系统和卫星的运动 5 2.1 地球坐标系 5 2.2 时间系统 7 2.3 卫星的运动 8 2.3.1开普勒定律 8 2.3.2 无摄卫星运动的轨道参数 10 2.3.3 真近点角的概念及其求解 11 2.3.4 卫星瞬时位置的求解 12 第3章 GPS导航解算 15 3.1 GPS导航系统的基本原理 15 3.2 GPS定位中主要误差及消除算法 17 3.3 GPS星历结构及解算过程 19 第4章 GPS导航解算系统的matlab仿真 23 4.1 卫星可见性的估算 23 4.2 GPS卫星运动的MATLAB仿真 24 结 论 32 致谢 34 参考文献 35 附录 37 第1章 前言 1.1 课题背景 GPS系统的前身为美军研制的一种子午仪卫星定位系统(Transit),1958年研制,64年正式投入使用。该系统用5到6颗卫星组成的星网工作,每天最多绕过地球13次,并且无法给出高度信息,在定位精度方面也不尽如人意。然而,子午仪系统使得研发部


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