Electroanalytical Chemistry:.ppt

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Electroanalytical Chemistry:.ppt

copyright P.A.Mabrouk, 2001. All rights reserved. Outline General Concepts What is electron transfer (ET) Concept difficulties Electroanalytical Chemistry The electrode interface The techniques The equipment Specialty applications Reaction mechanisms Microelectrodes Glucose Sensors Copper Plating What is this good for? Why does Zn “give up” the electrons ? TRANSFER REACTIONS Atom transfer HCl(g) + H2O(l) ? Cl-(aq) + H3O+(aq) What is this process good for? Why does Zn “give up” the electrons ? Rusting Krebs Cycle Terminology and Symbolism AR = analyte in the reduced form (has the e-) AO = analyte in the oxidized form (“lost” the e-) Oxidation: AR ? AO + ne- loss of electrons by AR Zn(s) → Zn2+ + 2e- Reduction: AO + ne- ? AR gain of electrons by O Zn2+ + 2e- → Zn(s) Useful Mnemonics for REDOX LEO goes GER Loss of Electrons is Oxidation Gain of Electrons is Reduction oxidant = oxidizing agent reactant which oxidizes another reactant and which is itself reduced reductant = reducing agent reactant which reduces another reactant and which is itself oxidized Electron Transfer Reactions Electron transfer reactions are reduction-oxidation or redox reactions. Redox reactions are useful in many ways: generate an electric current/voltage shuttle electrons in a biological processes can be controlled by imposing an electric current/voltage. Electrode anode = electrode at which oxidation occurs, attracts anions from salt bridge cathode = electrode at which reduction occurs, attracts cations from salt bridge salt bridge = completes the electrical circuit allows ion movement without solutions mixing salt in glass tube with vycor frits at both ends Voltaic cells Salt bridge Allows ion migration in solution but prevents extensive mixing of electrolytes. It can be a simple porous disk or a gel saturated with a non-interfering, strong electrolyte like Na2SO4 . What is this process good for? Why does Zn “give up” the electrons ? How to quantify? Since al


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