The Real Estate Business房地产企业.pptVIP

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The Real Estate Business房地产企业.ppt

* * * Residential brokerage requires knowledge of the community and its neighborhoods and the ability to work with people. Working hours typically include evenings and weekends. Compensation is usually commission based. Commercial brokerage involves specializing in apartment complexes, office buildings, retail stores, and shopping malls. The licensee must have knowledge of financial statements, income tax laws, mathematics, and financing. Industrial brokerage involves leasing, developing, and listing and selling industrial properties. The licensee must be familiar with industry requirements such as proximity to raw materials, water and power, labor pool and transportation. Knowledge of local building, zoning and tax laws is crucial. Licensees who specialize in the sale or purchase of businesses are referred to as business brokers. * Agricultural brokerage requires knowledge of soils, seeds, plants, fertilizers, production methods, new machinery, government subsidies and tax laws. . * Florida requires persons who engage the sale, purchase or lease of businesses for others to be real estate licensees. * * * The property manager’s job is to supervise every aspect of a property’s operation so as to produce the highest possible financial return over the longest period of time. Many investors desiring to participate in the growth of income-producing property have become absentee owners who do not personally manage or reside on the premises. A property manager’s responsibilities include renting, tenant relations, building repair and maintenance, accounting, advertising, and supervision of personnel and subcontractors. * * The job of the real estate appraiser is to gather and evaluate data affecting a property’s value. Real estate licensees are entitled to appraise real property for compensation, provided they do not represent themselves as state-certified, registered, or licensed appraisers. When conducting appraisals, real estate licensees must abide by the Un


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