Multiscale analysis of long three-dimensional perturbation waves in 在长期的三维扰动波的多尺度分析.pptVIP

Multiscale analysis of long three-dimensional perturbation waves in 在长期的三维扰动波的多尺度分析.ppt

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Multiscale analysis of long three-dimensional perturbation waves in 在长期的三维扰动波的多尺度分析.ppt

Temporal dynamics of small perturbations for a 2D growing wake Temporal dynamics of small perturbations for a 2D growing wake 60th Annual Meeting Division of Fluid Dynamics A multiscale approach to study the stability of long waves in near-parallel flows S. Scarsoglio#, D.Tordella# and W. O. Criminale* # Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aeronautica e Spaziale, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy * Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, Usa EFMC7, Manchester, September 14-18, 2008 Outline Physical problem Initial-value problem Multiscale analysis for the stability of long waves Conclusions Flow behind a circular cylinder steady, incompressible and viscous; Approximation of 2D asymptotic Navier-Stokes expansions (Belan Tordella, 2003), 20≤Re≤100. Physical Problem Initial-value problem Linear, three-dimensional perturbative equations in terms of vorticity and velocity (Criminale Drazin, 1990); Base flow parametric in x and Re U(y; x0, Re) Laplace-Fourier transform in x and z directions for perturbation quantities: αr = k cos(Φ) wavenumber in x-direction γ = k sin(Φ) wavenumber in z-direction Φ = tan-1(γ/αr ) angle of obliquity k = (αr2 + γ2)1/2 polar wavenumber αi 0 spatial damping rate Periodic initial conditions for Velocity field vanishing in the free stream. symmetric asymmetric and The growth function G is the normalized kinetic energy density and measures the growth of the perturbation energy at time t. Early transient and asymptotic behaviour of perturbations The temporal growth rate r (Lasseigne et al., 1999) and the angular frequency ω (Whitham, 1974) perturbation phase (a): R=100, y0=0, x0=6.50, αi=0.01, n0=1, asymmetric, Φ=3/8π, k=0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5. (b): R=50, y0=0, x0=7, k=0.5, Φ=0, asymmetric, n0=1, αi = 0,0.01,0.05,0.1. Exploratory analysis of the transient dyn


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