Space Vehicle Debris Threat Management ConOps空间碎片威胁管理作战概念车.pptVIP

Space Vehicle Debris Threat Management ConOps空间碎片威胁管理作战概念车.ppt

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Space Vehicle Debris Threat Management ConOps空间碎片威胁管理作战概念车.ppt

Subject Matter Relevance to STOWG In response to RTCA’s TF-5, FAA has a new effort, just started, entitled, National Special Activity Airspace (SAA) Project SAA definition: Any airspace with defined dimensions within the NAS wherein limitations may be imposed upon aircraft operations This airspace may be restricted areas, prohibited areas, military operations areas, ATC assigned airspace, and any other designated airspace areas Commercial space operations airspace (domestic and oceanic / remote area) will be part of this new SAA definition AST is requesting recommendations from the STOWG regarding how to share data on CST operations in the NAS, and whether our proposed procedures are adequate. Subject Matter Relevance to SC-206 / WG-76 SAA is Not yet an ICAO / EUROCONTROL term Need SC-206 / WG-76 assistance to ensure that space-based airspace is addressed in the SPR (ED 3?) airspace and as an “AIS Product Type” that can be data linked to aircraft. Recommendations regarding how best to display NOTAM, data, graphical depictions etc. to flight crews, What flight technical procedures are needed to safely avoid these areas AIS Data Linked Space NOTAMs Critical enabling NextGen technology for operational airspace management around space operations Application of graphical cockpit-based information system to notify and provide depictions of space vehicle operations to NAS stakeholders Draft concept of operations for domestic/oceanic Space Vehicle Debris Management Further development of procedures to safely integrate space operations with oceanic / remote area civil flight operations may require an Ad Hoc group / technical discussions Future draft document will address Global Harmonization Potential Data Link System Level Architecture How Does AIS-DL Fit Into Space and Air Traffic Management ConOps? AIS-DL provides means to approach problem from both directions ADS-B DL has been identified as a potential enabling technology for transmitting space vehicle state


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