Computer Software Hardware计算机软件硬件.pptVIP

Computer Software Hardware计算机软件硬件.ppt

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Computer Software Hardware计算机软件硬件.ppt

Use computer and internet safely Dave Dai 2008 Computer security Malware Virus: a program that copies itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the user. Worm: a self-replicating computer program. It uses a network to send copies of itself to other computers on the network. Unlike a virus, it does not need to attach itself to an existing program. Trojan: a program appears to perform a desirable function. Rootkit: a computer virus which consists of a program to take fundamental control (in Unix terms root access, in Windows Administrator access) of a computer system. Spyware: intercept or take partial control over the users interaction with the computer; can collect various types of personal information, such as Internet surfing habit, sites that have been visited. Adware: automatically plays, displays, or downloads advertisements. Crimeware: a class of malware designed specifically to automate financial crime Internet research and security Browse Internet safely Set your browser security to medium/medium-high Add safe sites to trusted sites Read e-mail messages in plain text Block pop-up windows in your browser Secure sites; Secure Data; online transaction; Instant messenger, chatting Email Phishing (example) Spam MSU mail Spam Filter Process Outlook spam filter setting Virus Free Anti virus software: AVG Phishing examples How can we tell they are fake? Appear to come from your bank, or company your know (such as Microsoft, or MSU mail team) Spelling Mistakes Incorrect Graphics Ask for personal Information The URL Identity theft / Identity fraud someone wrongfully obtains and uses another persons personal data shoulder surfing dumpster diving (preapproved credit cards ) Phishing emails Internet traffic / network breach Watch out when use/provide – be stingy (need to know): SSN, birth date, address, credit card number.. Basic PC protection Strong password Virus Scanning program features (Norton or NOD32); AVG for home use Firew


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