The role of the Prime Minister首相的作用.ppt

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The role of the Prime Minister首相的作用.ppt

Prime Minister and the Cabinet Read and précis chapter 8 of ‘The Essentials of UK Politics’ by Andrew Heywood. Ground Rules Raise your hand before you speak No food/drink Turn off mobiles The role of the Prime Minister What is the role of the Prime Minister? What functions do they have to, or have the right to perform? In pairs, think of as many powers of the Prime Minister, both “official” and “unofficial”, and we will go through them together Question: What does Primus inter pares mean? How does it relate to the Prime Minister? The role of the Prime Minister The Prime Minister is certainly powerful but what factors outside their control constrain the PM? In pairs, think of as many examples as you can of what can constrain the PM’s power. Also think about an example of when this happened, eg: media support – Major didn’t have this when the Sun opted to back Blair in the ’97 election The Prime Minister’s Office The PM does not have his own department, but he has an “office” with sections dealing with policy, communications and strategy The PM’s Office has grown in the last 20 years. Why do you think that is? What does it tell us? PM Leadership Style PMs all have different leadership styles, as they are all different people living in different times. In pairs, prepare bullet point presentations on the styles of Thatcher, Major, Blair or Brown. What was more important to their leadership style, their personality or the circumstances surrounding their premiership? PM Leadership style Compare the leadership styles of Gordon Brown and David Cameron’s. What factors shape a PM’s leadership style? The Cabinet What is the cabinet? Who are important figures in the cabinet? There are regular cabinet meetings. These are very busy people! Are all major policies decided in cabinet. Why should they meet so often? Presentations In pairs, prepare detailed presentations on either The Cabinet Office and Cabinet Committees, how they work and what they do, OR Different styles of


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