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精彩回扣 似曾相识 必考语法 读写绝招 二轮复习测试题七 高频词汇 核心短语 1.behave vt. vi.举动(举止或行为)表现;起某种作用 2.bend n.弯;拐角 vt.(bent,bent)使弯曲 vi.弯身;弯腰 3.benefit n.利益;好处 vt. vi.有益于;有助于;受益 4.betray vt.显露出(本来面目);背叛 1.get over越[爬]过;克服;忍受;复原,痊愈;完成;走完 2.get through接通;用完,耗尽;顺利通过(考试等);使理解;完成,结束 3.get/be tired of...讨厌;get/be tired from...对……感到累 5.compete vi.比赛;竞争 6.circulate vt. vi.循环;流传;流通 7.clarify vt.澄清;阐明 8.combine v.(使)联合;(使)结合 9.compromise n. vi.妥协;折衷 10.command n. vt.命令;指令;掌握 4.get it了解,懂得;挨骂;受处分 5.apart from除了……外,除了……还有 金句 常考句型三 1.Users of English will all be able to understand each other wherever they are. 使用英语的人无论在哪里都能彼此听懂。 2.Since English is spoken all over the world,there are lots of varieties.由于全世界都在说英语,因而出现了各式各样的英语。 句型6 中文:“……无论如何强调都不为过”。 英文:...cannot be overemphasized. 仿写:用功的重要性无论如何强调都不为过。 The importance of working hard cannot be overemphasized. 3.Im getting on just fine,now that I understand the local accent. 我现在一切都好,因为我已经能够听懂当地口音了。 4.By the 1850s it was selling one million copies a year,making it one of the most popular school books ever. 到19世纪50年代,它的年销量是一百万册,使之成为最受欢迎的学校用书。 句型7 中文:“我认为……” 英文:In my opinion,...=To my mind,...=As far as I am concerned,...=I am of the opinion that... 仿写:就我认为,打电脑游戏既耗时间,也有害健康。 5.He realized that he was lucky enough to be alive himself,and felt that it was his mission in life to help others. 他意识到能够活下来就已经很幸运了,因而认为帮助他人是他一生的任务。 ①In my opinion,playing computer games not only takes much time but is also harmful to health. ②To my mind,playing computer games not only takes much time but is also harmful to health. 6.To start with,the authors name,Mark Twain,is itself an invention. 首先,作者的名字“马克·吐温”本身就是个发明。 ③As far as I am concerned,playing computer games not only takes much time but is also harmful to health. ④I am of the opinion that playing computer games not only takes much time but is also harmful to health. 19.allow(熟义:v.允许) Allowing for your difficulty in learning English,I think it a good idea to join the English corner. (v. allow for考虑到,顾及) 20.alone


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