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Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behavior Chapter 6 Objectives Be able to define the consumer market and construct a simple model of consumer buyer behavior. Know the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Objectives Understand the major types of buying decision behavior and the stages in the buyer decision process. Be able to describe the adoption and diffusion process for new products. Case Study Harley “Hogs” account for 1/5 of U.S. cycle sales Sales have exceeded supply for years 1986-2000: Four stock splits, increase of 7,100% Fiercely loyal clientele revolves around 7 core customer types Harley owners use their bikes to express their lifestyle and attitudes Advertising reflects the Harley mystique Definitions Consumer Buying Behavior Buying behavior of individuals and households that buy products for personal consumption. Consumer Market All individuals/households who buy products for personal consumption. Model of Consumer Behavior Stimulus Response Model Marketing and other stimuli enter the buyer’s “black box” and produce certain choice/purchase responses. Marketers must figure out what is inside of the buyer’s “black box” and how stimuli are changed to responses. Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior Cultural Social Personal Psychological Culture Subculture Hispanic consumers African Americans Asian Americans Mature consumers Social Class Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior Hispanics 35 million consumers purchase $425 billion worth of goods and services. Expected to grow 64% in 20 years. Spanish media makes group easy to reach. Brand loyal group. Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior African Americans 35 million consumers purchase $527 billion worth of goods and services. Growing more affluent / sophisticated. Price and brand name conscious; quality and selection are important. Certain media target this group. Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior Asian Americans 10 million consumers purchase $229 bill


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