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中央国术馆组织性质新考   摘 要:以相关史料和前人研究为基础和参照,以中央国术馆历史沿革为时序,重考张之江等争取中央国术馆官方性质的史实。认为中央国术馆始终未被正式纳入官方行政体系,其民间自发性结社的性质始终未变,原因包括一是过分依赖政治而失去独立性;二是与政府本身组织体制的改变关系密切;三是理想蓝图与现实多有抵牾;四是张之江等与官方对于武术与体育关系的认识存在分歧。结论认为从组织属性看,中央国术馆应属于“民办公助”的民间社团;以史鉴今,武术组织的成败与是否获得官方身份不必然相关,而是需要多元归因,张之江及中央国术馆的历史功绩值得肯定。 中国论文网 /6/viewhtm  关 键 词:体育史;中央国术馆;武术;组织性质   中图分类号:G812.9;G852 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2016)03-0033-06   Abstract: By basing their research foundation and reference on related historical data and predecessors’ researches, and by basing the time sequence on the historical evolution of Central Martial Art Museum (CMAM), the authors restudied the historical fact that ZHANG Zhi-jiang etc strived for the official nature of CMAM, and put forward the following opinions: CMAM had never been officially included into the official administrative system, its nature of an association founded spontaneously by folks had never been changed, for which there were four reasons: 1)the loss of independency due to overly reliance on politics; 2)it was closely related to the change of the government’s own organizational system; 3)there were many contradictions between an ideal blueprint and reality; 4)there were differences between ZHANG Zhi-jiang etc and the authority in terms of the understanding of the relationship between Wushu and sport. The authors drew the following conclusions: from the perspective of organizational attribute, CMAM should be a folk association managed by folks and sponsored by the government; from the perspective of history, the success of a Wushu organization is not inevitably related to whether it has an official identity, but needs to be attributed in multiple aspects; the historical merits of ZHANG Zhi-jiang and CMAM deserve to be affirmed.   Key words: sports history;Central Martial Arts Museum;Wushu;organizational nature   中国体育的现代化集中体现在本土体育(武术)的现代化,而武术的现代化“首先是武术组织的变化”[1]。从1928年3月,中央国术馆前身“国术研究馆”于南京韩家巷成立,之后的近10年间,中央国术馆一直致力于实现组织性质的完全官方化。   学界对中央国术馆组织性质的看法有较大分歧。一种认为中央国术馆为官办性质。如易剑东[2]将中


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