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经济转型期 中国最低工资制度与和谐社会建设 The Minimum Wage and Construction of Harmonious Society in China during Economic Transition 林玳玳 北京交通大学 Lin Daidai Beijing Jiaotong University Ⅰ经济转型期 中国实施最低工资制度的必要性分析 Ⅰ Necessity of the minimum wage in China during economic transition 最低工资制度与劳动者权益保护 The minimum wage and securing workers’ right 在计划经济向市场经济转型的过程中,雇主在工资决定中拥有了更大的自主权。市场经济的本质决定了劳资双方的力量存在差距,雇主凭借着对资本的所有权决定着企业内部的收入分配规则。 During the economic transition, employers have more freedom in wage decision. Employers who possess capital decide the rule of wage distribution in enterprises because of the strength disparity between employers and employees,which is determined by the essence of market economy. 最低工资制度与劳动者权益保护 The minimum wage and securing workers’ right 在中国目前劳动力供过于求的情况下,底层劳动者所获得的报酬有可能不足以维持其自身和所赡养家属基本生存的需要,政府有必要采取某种形式的保障政策对劳动者获取合理劳动报酬的权益给予保护。 Low-skill workers may earn inferior wage which cannot afford minimum subsistence of themselves and their families in China when the labor supply exceeds labor demand, and the government needs to protect the right of employees to get reasonable wage through some policies. 最低工资制度与劳动者权益保护 The minimum wage and securing workers’ right 中国目前的集体谈判制度还很不完善,不能从根本上起到保障劳动者权益的作用。经济转型期中国劳动力市场的现状决定了政府有必要采取最低工资立法的形式对收入分配进行调整,以保护劳动者的权益。 The collective bargain which needs improvement can not secure the rights of laborers. The current situation of China’s labor market determines the government needs to enforce a legal minimum wage to protect laborers’ interests. 最低工资制度与就业 The minimum wage and employment 按照传统经济学理论,在完全竞争劳动力市场中,当最低工资制度施行后,劳动力的价格被强制地提高到其均衡水平之上,这将导致那些低技能工人就业可能性的降低。 According to traditional economic theory, when the minimum wage is introduced in a perfectly competitive market, the wage is raised above the equilibrium wage, which will reduce the probability of low-skill workers to be employed. 最低工资制度与就业 The minimum wage and employment 但现实中完全竞争的劳动力市场几乎是不存在的,垄断力量和摩擦(matching frictions)的存在使劳动力市场偏离了完全竞争状态。在存


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