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全套设计联系QQ2947387549(任务书开题报告 说明书 CAD图+SW/ Proe /UG/ CATIA图等) PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I摘 要进入21世纪以来,中国汽车工业进入快速发展期,国人对于汽车的需求量急速上升,中国正式进入汽车工业文明时代。但是由于石油资源的日益减少,燃油价格水涨船高,人们的出行成本也在逐渐增加,加上有机化合物的燃烧产生的有害物质对地球的污染,所以人们需要能够更加节约能源的汽车。 2007年HONDA节能竞技大赛进入中国,这是一个倡导节能减排的专业性赛事。参赛团队设计制作的汽车在规定时间、规定路线下,行驶一定距离,并由此换算出一升油能够行驶的公里数,耗油量少则胜出的一项赛事。其中参加比赛的车辆均搭载由本田技研工业投资有限公司开发的Honda弯梁车的125化油器低油耗四冲程发动机。本文建立在对本田发动机性能进行分析,计算出合适的传动比,设计带传动系统、离合器、变速器等关键零部件,并对以上设计进行校核,以达到成功提高燃油经济性。关键词:节能小车 传动系统 本田发动机 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT IIAbstractSince the 21st century, China have gotten into the rapid development of automobile industry. The demand of people for car grew rapidly. China officially enters the automobile industrial civilization era. But due to the dwindling oil resources, fuel prices rising, peoples travel costs are also gradually increase. Because of the organic compounds produced by burning pollution of harmful substances on the earth, so people need more energy-efficient cars.2007 HONDA energy-saving competition contest to enter China, which is a promotion of energy-saving emission reduction professional event. Participating team design of the car in the specified time, the provisions of the route, driving a certain distance, and thus converted out of a liter of oil can drive the number of kilometers, fuel consumption is less to win a race. The vehicles participating in the competition are equipped with a low fuel consumption four-stroke engine for the 125 carburetor developed by Honda Technology Industrial Co., Ltd.. This article based on the Honda engine performance analysis, the race under the resistance analysis of the car to calculate the appropriate transmission ratio, design chain Transmission system, clutch, drive shaft and other key components, and the above design to check to achieve the success of improving fuel economy.Key words: energy-saving car; The transmission system; Honda engine; 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc16663 摘 要 PAGEREF


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