unit5 B talk 教学设计 重建.doc

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unit5 B talk 教学设计 重建

教学设计方案 学校 巩义市子美外国语小学 学科 英语 授课日期 2017.11.29 章节 PEP五年级英语上册 年级 五年级 设计者 郅艳红 课题 Unit5 There is a big bed B Let’s talk 课时 第三课时 课型 句型课 一、教学目标 1.能听、说、认读单词“grandparent”,“their”,“house”,“lot”,“flower”. 能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话; 3. 能用There … There are…描述物体前个课时there be句型单数 Mike, Sarah来到Zhang Peng家的living room,学习一段关于living room的对话通过听录音。There be句型使用频率比较高,本册书用两个单元学习there be句型。Unit5主要学习陈述句,Unit6重点练习一般疑问句及回答。There be句型的复数是本节课学习的重点,亦是难点,扎实的学习不仅是本节课准确流利表达的前提,而且为后续的学习奠定了基础。 学情分析:There be句型学生之前没有接触过,本单元刚开始学习,借助图片、实物学生不难理解,但在表达上有一定的难度。There be结构与名词单复数的搭配,许多学生一开口就容易出错,尤其是名词复数形式的表达,学生会出现名词不用复数或是be动词不用are的现象。在学习中,教师要有意识的进行引导,帮助他们发现规律。 教 学 过 程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step1 Leading in 1.Play a song—A small bedroom. 2.What’s in your bedroom? What’s in Zhang Peng’s bedroom? 1.Sing together. 2.Answer the questions. Ss use a passage to talk about Zhang peng’s bedroom . 引导学生用一段话来描述,激活已有知识,做好学习准备。 Step2 Presentation 1.What’s in Zhang Peng’s living room? Lead them to listen. 2.What else is in the living room? Lead them to guess. 3.Lead them to talk about Zhang Peng’s living room. Use “There is/are….” 4.Ask some questions to help them understand the text. Who draws the pictures? Whose plants are they? Who has a garden? Where is the garden? Explain the new phrases for the Ss. 5.Lead them to read and act. 6.Lead them to sing a song based on the text. 1.Listen and answer. 2. Guess. 3.Talk in pairs. 4.Listen, watch, discuss and then answer. 5.Read and act. 6.Listen and sing. 带着问题,初步感知文本。 培养学生的预测能力,导入新知,学习目标句型。 培养学生理解文本,捕捉关键信息的能力。 培养朗读能力,形成正确的语音、语 调。 巩固激趣。 Step 3 Activities Talk about your living room in groups. Discuss in groups, and then share with the others. 创设、模拟生活情景,让学生在较真实的语境中运用新知。 Step4 Homework Lead them to write something about their living room. Write a short passage. 进一步整理汇总知识,锻炼学生写的能力,实现语言的输出。 板书设计 Unit 5 There is a big bed B Talk There are so many plants here. There are so many pictures on the wall. There are lots of flower


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