The sound of the wind 教学设计.doc

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The sound of the wind 教学设计

The sound of the wind 教学设计 年级 五 学科 英语 主备教师 刘夏丽 教学内容:The sound of the wind 教材分析: 本节课是一个故事教学,故事教学能激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学习的积极性。本节课围绕“wind-bell”展开教学,教师通过多媒体课件讲述故事,让学生熟悉故事情节,一致达到教学目标。 设计思路: 本节课我采用先学后教的模式,学生通过观看教学视频,自己发现问题,发现疑难,教师加以引导,补充。最后,让学生复述故事,培养学生的理解能力,以及在情境中恰当运用语言的能力。 教学目标: 1、听懂,会读 sound, paper, quiet及日常用语Me too. Why? 2、能准确、流利地读出故事,了解故事大意。 3、能运用简单的语言复述故事. 教学重难点: 1、学习本节课单词及短语。 2、理解课文大意,熟读课文。 课时安排: 一课时 课前准备: 课件 动物头饰 板书设计: Little Duck has a... Little Rabbit has a... Little Pig wants to hear... Little Pig wants to make... 备注:所有书写内容字体均为宋体小四 教学过程: Step1.Warm up 1、Greetings 2、Lead in T:Listen!What sound is it? S:风 T:Yes,it’s the wind. 设计意图:(通过多媒体的演示调动学生积极性,让学生自然进入英语学习状态。同时也为本节课的学习做铺垫。) Step 2:New teaching 课件导入,听故事 T: Look! What’s this? Ss: 风铃 T: Yes ,It’s a wind-bell.I have this by my window. When it moves, I know theres wind. It makes beautiful sounds. (课件演示) T:OK !Now let’s listen the story .Please tell me How many animals are there in this story? Who are they?(播放课文视频) 设计意图:(设置悬念,提高学生学习兴趣。) 出示Guide1.Look and listen! 请同学们认真听录音,感知课文。指出不认识的单词。 gently paper quiet cut cutting 设计意图:(攻破单词难关,为课文学习扫清障碍,让学生能积极地加入课文的学习中去。) 出示Guide2. Listen, learn and read the text. 请同学们带着任务学习课文。 Picture1. What does Little Duck have? She has a ________. What is the wind-bell made of? It is made of ______. How does it sound? It sounds ___________. Picture2. What is Little Rabbit’s wind-bell made of? It is ________________. How does it sound? It _________________ What’s the sound like? It is __________. Picture3. What does Little Pig want to do? He _______________________. Picture4. What is Little Pig doing? He is _______________________. What is his wind-bell made of? It is_______________________. Picture5. How is the wind blowing? It is_______________________. Does he like the sound of the wind? Why? _______________________. Why is the sound of the wind-bell so quiet? _______________________. 设计意图:(通过反复地听,引导学生整体


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