夏热地区建筑双层隔热表皮隔热性能分析-analysis on thermal insulation performance of double-layer thermal insulation skin of buildings in hot summer zone.docx

夏热地区建筑双层隔热表皮隔热性能分析-analysis on thermal insulation performance of double-layer thermal insulation skin of buildings in hot summer zone.docx

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夏热地区建筑双层隔热表皮隔热性能分析-analysis on thermal insulation performance of double-layer thermal insulation skin of buildings in hot summer zone

华中科技大学硕士学位论文 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 I I 摘 要 现代社会,建筑逐渐成为资源与能源消耗的巨大载体之一,建筑节能是一个亟 待研究与解决的问题。当代建筑设计中,双层表皮已广泛应用于各类建筑,特别是 近年来,双层隔热表皮的出现与应用对于被动式建筑节能有较大促进作用。双层隔 热表皮主要通过外层表皮的遮阳与空气间层的通风作用大幅提高围护结构的隔热能 力。在夏热地区,良好的隔热性对于提高围护结构的热工性能及室内的舒适性具有 重要影响。但目前关于双层隔热表皮的研究中,主要关注其美学及经济方面性能, 较少从构造尺度讨论隔热表皮的节能问题。本文即从构造尺度探讨表皮开孔率及间 层厚度两个参数的取值差异对于夏热地区双层隔热表皮热工性能的影响。 文章首先梳理了国内外关于建筑表皮、节能表皮、双层隔热表皮相关技术研究, 接下来运用对流·辐射·导热耦合的 CFD 技术进行建模,将隔热表皮热工性能实测 结果同基于实例进行的模拟研究结果进行对比,验证了模拟方法的可靠性。然后分 别就开孔率、间层厚度两个参数的不同取值,以建筑周围风速、墙体表面热流通量、 墙体表面温度为目标因素进行热工性能方面的探讨。结果显示开孔率越小隔热性能 越好,而在本研究中间层厚度对于隔热性能的影响不明显。根据结论,文章最后选 取实测实例进行进一步研究,结果显示隔热表皮具有优良的隔热性能,且若保持间 层厚度不变、减小实例中表皮开孔率,其隔热性能会更好。最后,对整个工作进行 总结,提出若干未来相关研究的发展方向。 关键词:夏热地区 双层隔热表皮 围护结构热工性能 开孔率 间层厚度 II II Abstract In modern society buildings have been one of the major consumers of resources and energy, leading to building energy efficiency becoming a critical problem to be researched and solved. Widely used in various types of building, double-skin fa?ades, especial double-skin insulated fa?ades play a great role in promoting passive energy savings and insulation in buildings for the shade effects of external layer and ventilation in the air gap. However, the current related researches are mainly focused on the aesthetic and economic aspects and lack of energy performance discussion at the construction scale. This paper aims to study the effects on thermal properties of double-skin insulated fa?ades with different porosity and air gap thickness. First, a literature review on building skin, energy-saving skin and double-skin insulated fa?ade is carried on in this paper, followed by a comparison between field measurement data and simulation results by using CFD techniques coupled with convection, radiation and conduction. The thermo fluid-dynamic behavior of systems with different porosity and air gap thickness has been analyzed and the results conclude that the smaller the porosity, the better the thermal performance, which is influenced much less by different air gap thickness whereas.



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