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医博硕网店 []整理奉献! 考前预测 专注医博 值得信赖! 旺旺:Lovexiaoqing2004 QQ PAGE 2/ NUMPAGES 14 2011年蒋跃辅导八大作文考题预测 ⑴ 睡眠与健康 ⑵ 音乐与健康 ⑶ 糖尿病 ⑷ 甲流感 ⑸ 更年期保健 ⑹ 老年痴呆症 ⑺ 帕金森症 ⑻ 中国居民之健康素养 *八大作文预测范例见后页 人体十大异常指标 1.前列腺病(增生hyperplasia,炎inflammation) Prostate diseases 2. 乳腺hyperplasia of mammary glands mas’titis 乳腺炎ga’lactophore 乳腺 3. 子宫颈 cervix uteri diseases uterus→uteri子宫 cervix子宫颈 4. 血脂 blood fat abnormality 5. 脂肪肝fat liver 6.高血压 hypertension 7.转氨酶hyper transaminase 8.子宫肌瘤 hysteromy’oma 9.高血糖 hypergly’cemia 10. 卵巢囊肿 o’varian cyst 亚健康 sub-health 禽流感 H1N1 flu bird flu/avian flu 食品安全 food safety 抗氧化药物和食品 anti-oxidation drugs and foods 克隆 cloning AIDs 抗抑郁药物 anti-depression drugs 人工心脏 artificial heart 公共卫生突发事件 emergent public health event 应急反应 immediate response to 关注民生 concern(focus on, pay attention to) people’s livelihood/well-being 城乡卫生体系 the urban and rural medical and health system 到2020年,全民享受卫生保健 China aims to provide all with healthcare(healthcare for all) by 2020 生活方式各种术语 lifestyle=bad living habits include over-eating, over-drinking, over-work, sit up late, inactive daily life, sedentary daily life, short of exercise, lack of physical exercise, smoking, unbalanced diet, over-nutrition, irregular bed-time, lack of sleep, long term of unhealthy lifestyle may cause/lead to/result in many diseases, including …., diseases related to/caused by unhealthy lifestyle. Heart disease, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, hemorrhage, stroke, paralysis, heart attack, clot, thrombus血栓 infarction, coronary heart disease, ischemia,缺血 anemia贫血,septicemia败血症,leukemia=leucemia(非白血性)白血病,blood vessel, sclerosis硬化症 arteriosclerosis动脉硬化,artery, vein, dripping, the handicapped, the disabled, invalid, risk factors: low-fat food, low-sugar, low-salt food, sugar-free 时尚词语 people first 以人为本 humanized (patient-oriented/central) medical service humanistic, humanism, diseases related to lifestyle 生活方式病 不卫生的生活习惯 unhealthy living habits influenza A/H1N1 和谐


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